Measuring is an important part of our lives. Most of the things that we buy are measured in some way or form. You may go to the hardware store and buy a certain length of rope, or go to the gas station and buy a certain volume of gas. In each case, something had to be measured. For most of the world, things are measured using the Metric System. The length of rope might be in meters and the gasoline would be in liters. The United States is one of the few countries that uses a different system (yards instead of meters and gallons instead of liters.) This leads to some tricky converting from one system to the other whenever different countries are working together. It often results in costly mistakes. For example, one gallon is not equal to one liter. Can you imagine the type of problems that can lead to?
Do you think that the United States should switch over to the metric system? Why or why not? Post your opinion today.
1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»I think we should switch over because we use metric for soda bottles, mesureing things, and lots of other reasons.
I think we shouldnt switch over because if we need to measure somthing smaller or bigger we woudnt be able to cause we switched over
I think we should switch because we use the metric system for measuring some liquids,we use it to measure in science,we measure distances like a football field with the metric system too. So,switching to the metric system is a good idea.
I think we should change it to the metric system because it would be easier.The metric system measures by tens.It all leads back to tens no matter if something is 10 or 1,000 ect.
Certain people might not be able to convert from one system to another very easily and will probably make mistakes. For example if you where giving a person from France a drink and he wanted a certain amount like 45 milliliters of wine it wouldn't be easy to covert that amount because we don't use that system very often.
I think we should switch over to the Metric System. Our system can get really confusing when it comes to feet, yards etc. The other system mostly uses tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. I personly think the Metric System is easier than our system. If we did switch it wouldn't be such a hassel if someone from Europe sent something to America that was measured in Metric.
I think we should not switch over the metric system because everybody is so used to inches and centimeters. When the teachers try to teach the students about the metric system and the students will get a bad grade almost all the time because their so used to the other ways. And what if the child goes home to their parents because they need help with their homework and the parents can't help them with that certain problem and the parents feel as though they're doing a bad job as a parent because they can't solve that problem.
no we shouldnt switch because most of america has learned our system.But i do think that we shouldlearn the metric system and other parts of the world should learn our system.This would cut back on cost of many problems and it will be easier to trade with other parts of the world
i think we shouldnt switch after so long of useing the us side because we have already learnd that and why switch now after that the other contries use the metrick side.
I think we should switch to the metric system because the metric system uses tens,hundredths,and thousandths.Plus it would be easier for us to use it,too,because the rest of the world uses it and if someone asked us for a certain amount of something (with the metric system),we couldn't because we use a different system.
Yes,I think we should switch to the metric system because it would save the United States money since we would not fixing costly mistakes.This would lead to easier trade with the rest of the world more money and finally more jobs.
I think we should stay with our own type of measuring because it will make a lot less confusion when buying stuff. Also if we did change it everything will have to change like road sings, baseball fields, and many more.
i think that we should stay the same because we cant really study with the system
I don't think we should switch to the metric system because we are already used to using are system of measurement. If we do switch we will all have to learn the metric and forget about our measurement system.
I don't think we should switch to the metric system because we would have to forget about the metric system.If we switch to the metric system we would have to change road signs and many other things.
i think we should use both because some people only know how to use the metric system and some only know the u.s system.
I think we should stay with our current system because since students have always been taught yards and gallons instead of meters and liters, it would be taking more school time to to teach students a whole new measurement system. Since scientists use the metric system, if in college young adults want to be a scientist, they can just learn the metric system then instead of in school.
I think we shouldn't switch over because we already have a system of our own. If we do switch over it would be harder and longer for the students to learn this. Suppose the student goes home to their parent and they need help with those certain kind of problems, the parents will want to help, but they can't because they do not know about the new system and they'll probably think that they failed as a parent.
i think we should use both because in some cases we need to use the metric system and in other cases we need to use the u.s. system.
yes i think that we should which over to the metric system because you can measure farther in meters and liters and if we didn't have liters we would have gallons for soda.
We should because we use it all the time.Because we always use it. Like when we go to the store and we want to buy something we might want to get only a 28 feet rope so we measure it. so we can get the right amount.
i think we shouldn't because almost everybody is so use to the metric system we use today.
i think we should use the metric system because we use it all the the time. like we go to the store to buy one foot of candy. That is why we should use the metric system
I think the U.S. wouldn't be losing so much money in costly mistakes trying to convert from one system to another. Also if they converted to the metric system the prices of objects would cost less.
The types of problems would be just out of hand. No I don't think that we should switch too the metric system because it would just be crazy. I think we should not switch to the metric system because it would be hard too measure with
i think we should switch because if we go to another country or they come to the united states thhey might not undersand the system we use
no I do not think the united states should change to metric measurement because the gas prices would go up but you would not get a lot of gas
I think we should not switch because we are already use to the US system. if we did we wouldn't have gallons of gatorade or milk or stuff like that. so thats why we should not switch.
I think the United States should' t change the metric system because there are many things to measure in can measure things like counties and stores and stuff.
it would lead to a big problem.
i don't think you should only use the metric system i think you should use both because it would be hard to use the metric system for some of the big things for example a tv a house map.
So i think you should use all of the measurements like feet inches and even more then that
i think that we should switch because
every one else in the world know the metric system so when they come to the usa they wont understand our system ad if we go any where out of the usa we wont understand thier sytem
i don't that we should not change because we don;t have any system
I think we should switch because it would be easier to measure in greater distances and measuring liquids.Also,it will be easier in science because we will use it out of science to.Thats why i think we should switch
No.Because most people say if they go into a hardware store "can I have 1ft of wood or more. Nobody says can I have 5 meters of wood please.So no I think we shouldn't switch over too the metric side.
I think we shouldn't switch to metric to US system because there would be no gallons of milk instead it would be liters.
I think we should switch over to the metric system because we use litters for milk,soda cans and much more.We also use meter to measure distance but if we use yards it will take a long time to measure a highway. That is why i think U.S. should switch over to the metric system.
I think we shouldn't change because we already know the us system so theres no point in learning a whole new system.
i think they should not change to the metric system because it is fine the way it is .
I think that the United States should switch over to the metric system.We already use the metric system on our soda bottles.The metric system is based on tens, which is much easier than the U.S. system.The United States Army also uses the metric system to measure how far they have to travel and how far away their enemies are from them.This is why the metric system is better to use than the U.S. system.
I think no becausewe know our systym veary well if we change it it will be hard to learn.
i think that u.s.a should stay with the same system because its very easy for me to understand also because if we switch it would be easy to get mixed up because we usually using it.
I think we shouldn't switch to metric
systym because the u.s. systym works for us
i think we should switch because we always use things to measure other things.
I think we should keep what we have now because people would get confused because it would be whole new thing for us. Also because some people might not know anything about the metric system or know very little.
I think that we shouldn't switch because if we wanted to measure are feet length or anything else we wouldn't be able to use are U.S. system.
will 8pd
I say no we should not switch over to the metric system because we have our own measuring.we can stick with our own measuring stick.We do not have to learn any other measuring.
no because i trust my u.s. system and i would not went to go to another system
I say yes to the metric system
to save cans and bottles.
I think we should switch over to the metric system because it is easier to use. All of the types of metric measurement are based on 10 which makes it easier than the U.S system.
i think that we should use both becausa then you could chose wich you like more and then if you go to a foren contry that uses the metrick situm you know what you need to no.This anser chold be rong to this choud make peple mad or confusd.
I think we should switch because every thing would be easer with using bottles and stuff we use.p8
I don't think we should switch because we are already used to the U.S. system.
I think we should switch to the metric units instead. I think we should switch because if the rest of the world is using it we should use it.
yes i think we should swich because you could do bigger and better measurments
I think that the metric system should be switch. Why, because it would be more easy to measured things with the metric system.
I think we should not switch over because if we do many people will become confused because they were used to the US units.
I think we should switch to the metric unit. If the rest of the world uses it why don't we. Also it's the most common unit of measurement in science.
The problem that we would face is that if we did not know what metric measuring would be how would we be able to know how many miles we have been driving.
The United States should switch over to metric measurment because you need to now what metric measuring is. Cause in your life where ever you go or do metric measurment is everywhere like miles, centermeters,and ect.
Yes because its important to have a good and better metric system.
i think we should switch to the metric system.
It does not mater.
i think we should switch over to the metric system because the metric system is used 4 lot of things such as water tiny objects and with out those things it would be harder to figer out thats y we should switch
I think that we should because we could use it for soda bottle and measure things and for other objects.
I think the U.S. Should change it to changit to mertic sytem it easer to read. Also scientist use so if scientist use the metric system we should use it.
I think we should change to just to the metric system because we have two ways of measuring and we should just have one so no one gets confused!:)
i think that the us should switch to the metric system because its more easier to learn what gallons and liters are
we shouldnt switch over even though bottles are measured in the metric system because it would confuse everyone who is already used to the us system
Maybe because there is a lot of converting to do. First,a gallon is a bit ,ore than a liter. Than again a meter is bigger than a yard.
No they should not. THey should not switch to the metric system because we U.S.A always use it.So it would be hard to switch.It would be make it easy just keep the meter than switching. I think U.S.A should not switch to the metric system.
If we use the metric system every thing will be to less or to much and will be to confusing so we should not use the metric system.
I think we should change to metric system so we could measure litters and other things
I think the United States should switch over because when people are working together it would be easier.If we were doing a government project and people all over the world were there it would be hard because the us uses the standard system.That's why i think we should switch over.
no i don't think we should switch because a lot of America knows our system. we should learn the metric system also.
no i don't think you should change it because if you do it could lead to a even more tricky system
I think we switch to the metric system because most of the things we buy are in the metric system. Like gas would be measured in liters and rope would be measure in meters. But it would be good if we did switch that in America would still should learn the U.S system so we don't forget. And thats what I think the U.S. should do.
I think that the united states should use the metric system. We already use the metric system for many things. We use liters, meters, kilometers, decimeters,millimeters,centimeters, and grams. I think we should switch over because we use these all the time in our everyday lives.
I think we should switch over because a lot of things we buy like drinks are measured using the metric system. It also can be easy to convert. This is why the metric system is helpful.
I think we should use the metric system because it will help cut costs.
And as far as gas prices, our gas prices will be exact across the board.
If it is 3.52 in Texas it should cut off at 3.52 in maryland because of the metric system. My thought of the metric system is that it makes things
Yes I do think the U.S. should switch to metric. People would have a easier trip to the store not having to worry how many liters a gallon is.
I think the Metric System is better to use because we use metric or thing like soda bottles an liquids lie water we buy candy at the stores. also we use centimeters and inches with it thats why i want to switch to the metric system.
i think we didn't because almost everybody is so use to meter system we today
I think that we should switch to the metric system because we use it to measure liters,gallons, pints, centimeters,grams and much more. Everyone is well known to the U.S. system, but I believe the Metric System is easier.
Yes, I think we should switch to the metric system because it would be easier. Conversion is easier since measurements are done in tens. It is already used by scientists and doctors and by many other countries.
I think we should switch over because we would use the metric system more than we would the US. For example, we use the meric system for soda bottles, football feilds, ect.
I don't think we should switch to the metric system. Alot of what we use today is measured using standard measurement. There are way to many things we would have to change to switch over. Plus, nobody knows how long it would take to teach everyone the metric system.
I don't believe we should switch to the metric system because we don't use this system in our everyday lives. So this would make it very difficult to use. I do think we should learn the metric system because other parts of the word use this system and we use this system within our science.
I think we should switch over because it would make life easier on, when you go to the store most things are not measured using the metric system so you have to figure out how much you need to get. also, most liquids are measured using the metric system. like soda bottles, and cans are measured using the metric system. I think it wold help us measure objects lotssss!
That could lead to several problems
for things like medicine or other things shipped to the US by other countries. So, I think that we should not switch to the Metric system and other counries should switch or we should all choose the system we want to use. I think that our country should be unique and sence there are numerous numbers of people in the US who use the other system and theres no reason to switch over all those people. Also, the US has a right to use it and that is the system we chose to use.So I think our Country should stick with th system we use today.If we need to measure something bigger or smaller than the metric system and we need the other system we all ready know it and can use it right away with no hesitation.
The US should not switch to the metric system. If you went to get gas for your car the cost would determine on the amount of gallons. If we swicth to the metric system it would determine on the amount of liters which is less than a gallon. It may cost the same but if we used the metric system, you would pay more for less gas. Plus, some people may not know or be used to the metric system. But the only good thing about switching to the metric system is if we needed to order something from another country and they only used the metric system we could say how much we needed and move on. From my opinion I think the US should not switch to the metric system.
@ AllyM
I agree with you because a lot of things we buy every day are measured with the metric system, like soda bottles, so we should switch to the metric system.
No, we should not convert to the metric system because it is way too much to do.
@Brooke M, I agree with you because the United States uses the metric system for many things.
Yes, we should convert to the metric system because we can measure in meters and kilometers and that would be fun.
@ ConnerM
I do not agree with conners answer because it does matter because it does matter we changed because it would be much more easy if we changed.
@ jake-good answer your right because the metric unit is easy compared to the U.S unit.
@ mason Q.
I agree with your answer, because you are saying the same thing as me but I think you should fix your grammar.This is not Microsoft Word it doesn't fix it for you.
@zackaryR your answer doesn't make sense.
I think we should not switch because it is confusing.
@ Ally M I agree with switching because of the soda bottles and those other reasons.
@ SophiaH I agree with you because I get confused as well with buying the certain amount of like a drink or a type of liquid
Yes because i think it would be a lot easier to use because the number ten and the measurement we us today have some random numbers like 36 in. in a yard. And one millimeter is 0.0001 so it is a lot easier to use and all across the world people use it. And it would be a lot easier to understand in other country's
measurements are so cool
@chabraec_i agree with you because when we switch to the metric system it really would be problems!!!
no i do not think we should switch over over to metric system because the whole united states has been using the us system for many years. Also we use the us system alot more than we use the metric system
@ Emily M i agree because if we change from one system to a system some people are not use to people can get confused and if you are driving you mite crash if you don't no how to use kilomitersous
@ sophia-i agree with her because she has a point with how the drinks are measured in metric liters
@ GregB - i agree because i think it would be a waste of time to learn a new system.
Yes because we need to measurement soda and things like that
@/Maddy C i agree with you i think we should switch to the metric system. Because we use the metric stystem alot for thing like soda bottles liquids and lots of others good choice MaddyC i Agree
@zackaryR - I disagree because since we have all learned it so we now it but if switch we will have learned two measuring system.
I think people should do both.Some times people need to use normal measurement or the metric system.People some time use the metric system without knowing it,so i think it wont matter.
@hunter M because i think if we shouldn't switch because if they are not and we need to measure something what should we do? we wouldn't be able to cause we switched over
i think we should not switch over because if we need to measure something what should we do
your coment is inspireing pleasecomment back
I think we should keep it the same so it would be less complicated and less confusing
@ maddy c - We disagree because we shouldn't switch over because everybody is so used to our measurement system that we already use.
@GregB I agree with you why switch after so many years its crazy.
@Parker H- I think you should decide on one because i think we would get completely confused and some would do metric and us and the ones that did metric or us could be wrong that effects your grade
@ Lilian C - i agree with you that we should use both because only using one would be harder to only use one.
I think that the united states should switch to the metric system because it's easier to use. I also have a feeling that we should use both because it would be fare for everyone.
@ GregB- I totally agree with you because if we already learned how to use yard feet and more but it would be such a hassel if we switched to the metric system . Why now we have to learn something new..............
@Jeanette. I agree with Jeanette because it would defintly take a lot more time in school.Also since were so use to our system.
@ TaraG I disagree with you because if we change to the metric system we will have to change all the road sings to kilometers.
I think we should switch over to the metric system because when people come from diffrent nations they wouldn't know how far is their job or home because we use miles. Another reason is that it is easer for teachers to teach and it is easer to learn.
@ Emilee C
I agree because some people (like adults) can't switch over instantly but if they convert slowly they can adapt to it.
I don't think we should switch because we are use too our own system of measurement. It would take a lot of reteaching. Especially adults they known our measurement for a long time. It wouldn't be hard to teach little kids the new system they didn't know the old one. So it would only be as hard as teaching the old system.
Why i think that the united states should use the metric system is because we use many diffrent objects useing the metric system, like measuring small or large things .That is why i think the united statess should switch over to the metric system.
@ Bethany-I disagree with you because i dont think it would be a promblem to switch over and learn the new system.
@ Kaylie M,I agree with you Kaylie because I think the same thing that you said. You said that we should switch because if we don't, other people that come from other countries wouldn't know what system of measurement we use.
I think that it would be easy to understand because the metric system is easy to remember
I think we should switch because it would be easier if we only had one system to learn and use.Also it wouldn't make sense to drop the metric system instead because the rest of the world uses the metric system.
i think both if it becomes an argument we shoud have both but if we switch over and we need help our gardians might not know what it met so i guess it doesnt matter both are correct anwers . or just switch it over sometime because i might not know in 20 years when someone comes up and says can you help me? i might not know the anwser.
@hunterm I disagree with you because it must not be that hard to have just the metric system if all the other countrys are doing it.
@Maddy C- I agree with u maddy. The Metric System is used to measure football fields, soda bottles ect. We use this system for things in everyday life. So i agree with u.
I think we shouldn't swich and just stay the way we are because we are used to the way we are doing every thing already.Plus our contry should stand out of all the others.Also we already use the metric system with some things and thats ok too.
@EmilyP!-I agree with emily because both types of mesurments are pretty easy and if there is some arguement over that than we wont ave a problem with swiching over then.
@EmilyP!-I agree with emily because both ways are easy and simple so someday if we do have an arguement we won't mind swiching because we use both types of mesurments and we understand them both well to so we could do either one.
I think that we the(u.s.)should use the metric system all of the time because sicentist always use it,and if people from different places come here they probably woulden't be familular with the amircan system.
@ Liline S.- I disagree with your answer. Parents already know the metric system because powers of 10 are simple. The metric system is much simpler than the US System. The US System uses a mismatch of numbers, whereas the metric system uses powers of 10. In my opinion, the metric system is far simpler than the US System. Although we are used to the US system, the metric system would be easy to learn, and would make trade with other countries much simpler. Therefore, the United States should use the metric system.
I totaly agree with you. We should stay with our current measurment system. You would have to learn it in college, when the time comes.Also you may pay more for less in certain occasions like gas prices, and ordering things from different countries. Yes, I also agree when you said the students already are learning the US system and wasting time when we don't use it 24/7.The metric system may also be confusing to others.
@ ally miller and samantha scudder
i agree with you both, switchching over to the metric system would be a great idea. great job!
@ Marcell why are measurements cool
I think we should not switch because the metric is just fine the way it is
because i said so
@ emilyM I disagree with you. Even though it is a hassle for foriegn travelers it would also be a hassle for the entire country to get used to the metric system.
mason Q i agree because it could cut out many problems witch means less problems try to learn a new 1
kenneth i agree with you because it will much easier to use the metric system because it wil be much more exact on food prices.
@ mckinley w
i agree with you that we should stat with the u.s. system, because we are doing just fine with it, so why do we need to to change? we've been taught it since the first day of school.
@HunterM i disagree with HunterM he said we shouldn't switch and i said we should switch because it is easy to measure bigger thing
@TylerS- i agree because if we switch it will be confusing. Also we would have to forget about u.s. measurement and learn metric measurements.It would be hard to do. that is why i agree
I think we shouldn't switch because if they changed all the signs on the road that say miles they would have to change all the signs and that would cost money. If we come to class it would take us lots of time to get used to it
i think we need it to do all the things that makes the usa better than it is with metric system
this is really hard to choose
No because if we changed our system it wold be hard to learn and understand it.
@ brooke M it think you are wrong we have already have ben using the US system for so long so why should we switch.
@ Chandler W I think the same as you we shouldn't switch cause we are us to the metric system
@ BrookeM - I agree wih your statement. we use the metric system all the time any way and we know it. the rest of the world doesnt know the us system. we should switch over.
@Sophie- i agree with you because we do use the metric system every day like km for this run
i don't think that we should work on the metric system because we don't have metric system.
@ ConnerM
Conner first you spelled matter and why does it not matter.
i dissugree because if you use both you can chose wich you licke more and if you go to a cntry that uses metrick you whont strugel whith mesherment
@ally m I agree because we use lots of bottles and the USA does measure lots of things
i disagree because i think we should stay the same because we would waste money.
@ allym-i tink you are right because we use metric like every day and lke you said we use it for soda cans. so i will agree with you.
I think we shouldn't switch over because if we needed to measure anything we wouldn't be able to measure anything and everybody is used to measuring in inches and centimeters and then once we switch over it'll be more complicated to get used to measuring in a different measurement.
@ hunter m I disagree that we should use the metric system because we use the metric system to measure things that we dont know the measurment.We use soda bottles,milk jugs and liters to use to measure.
i think the USA shouldn't switch to the metric system cause it would confuse people with both systems. example: if someone said" change three meters into how many miles what would that be?" that would be confusing because you would have to use two systems at one time to figure out one problem
i think we should not change because it would be to complicated.
I think theres alot to learn in
both types of measurement. Because
They both have different types of measurement. Like I can learn feet in the U.S.A and can't in the metric system. But I can learn about Decimeters in the metric system. There are alot of alike and dislikes in both of them. Thers actualy more than meets the eye with these two systems. So I'd have to say Metric system.
I think that they should switch to the metric system that way there be no confusion form anybody.
say yas say yas din nid din nid
switch to metric system we must.bad u.s. system is.get off of computer i must.jedi you all will be.except annie.
This is amaya
i think we should switch to metric
I think America should switch to the metric system. One reason is that the metric system is based on 10’s, 100’s and 1,000’s, which makes it easier to convert units of measurement. Also, 95% of the world uses the metric system so it makes sense that we should too. For example, the Olympic events are metric like the 100 meter dash and the swimming events. Plus, the U.S. government wanted to go to the metric system but decided not to, so it makes sense that we finish what we started and use the metric system.
AmyiaT said...
We should switch over because it would help other people to understand the system.
I think that we should switch to metric because it is a lot easier
I think that we should switch to metric because it is a lot easier
I think we should switch to the metric because its a lot easier and most of the things we use in the U.S is already measured in metric so it would be an easy switch.
I think we should switch to the metric system because it is easier. All you have to do is remember the number 10.
I think we should not switch over because mostly everybody ueses inches and centimeters
I think we should switch over to the metric system because its easy because you only have to do is remember the number 10
I think we should switch over because metric is a lot eaiser to remember
We should use the metric system because all we have to do is remember 10
So we can have more measurements
So we can have more measurements
I think we shouldn't change to the metric system because people are already used to the US measurement.
I think the USA should stay with the old system and not use them metric system.Because it is already in use and it would be hard to change it now.
We should change it Metric System. Because ours is old, and we need to change .
Yes, we should change to the metric system because it is easier.
i think we should switch to the metric system because it is easier to explain than liter
I think we should switch to the metric system because it easier to understand
I think it should stay the same because its already working fine
NO! I think we shouldn't switch over because everybody is use to the US system,and i think every one would be too confused.
We should switch to the metric system because its easier.
yes i think we should switch
I thunk we should not switch to the Metric system. Everyone is used to the US system now. Americans will be confused by the metric system because people rarely use it. Everyone is used to gallons, inches, pints etc. That's why I think we should not switch.
I think we should stay with the U.S. method because we are used to measuring the units with the U.S. method
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