The more you study waves the more you come to realize that they seem to be everywhere around us. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you put your head down to sleep, there are waves in your life. What are some ways waves are in your own life? Describe at least two. I look forward to reading your posts!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 296 of 296Some waves in your life are water waves ,sound waves, and rope waves
Sound waves help me hear. Light wave help me see.
One wave in my life is a sound wave i hear sounds all day every day. Another wave is a ocean wave I can find them in the ocean.
One wave in my life is a sound wave i hear sounds all day every day. Another wave is a ocean wave I can find them in the ocean.
I think sound waves are very cool.There are many waves in my life.
Waves are all around us they are sound waves wave to a person in th ocean
In your life you will see a wave and hear a wave waves in the ocean or when your friend is talking to you.
Every day sound wavs are in my life because life because I talk for the majority of the day and listen to music often. Light waves are in my life because everyday I see things.
I See Light waves everywhere!
waves are in my life by sound by the tv my teachers talking
Your TV remote sends signals to your TV and makes it change chanels and such.
Plus your car reciving raidio waves from a tower.
When you go to the beach there is a water wave and when you play the radio there are sound waves traveling through the air
There hear and see waves everyday. One type a wave I hear is a soundwave. I hear people talk and the soundwave goes to my ears. Another way is at the beach I see waves in the water.
There is are waves in life. I hear and see waves everyday. One type a wave I hear is a soundwave. I hear people talk and the soundwave goes to my ears. Another way is at the beach I see waves in the water.
One wave is a sound wave. Also there are water waves.
Two ways waves are in my life are that when I go to the beach I get in the water and the waves hit me in the face. Another way waves are in my life is when I talk to someone they can hear me because of the sound waves traveling.
i see waves at the beach in the water . also i see them when i listen to music and this is a sound wave
If you touch the water of puddles its waves if you go to bed it waves on the sheets.
I see the waves at a beach because when I see the waves moves itin different wayes like a slinkey and it might have a medium. And also a light wave is a wave that comes from a light from a house that was turn on and also a light that comes from a suns energy when it shines on are earth.
I see the waves at a beach because when I see the waves moves itin different wayes like a slinkey and it might have a medium. And also a light wave is a wave that comes from a light from a house that was turn on and also a light that comes from a suns energy when it shines on are earth.
Waves in my life are mostly electrical, brain, and water waves.
in life you se waves everyday people send a wave by swing their hand back and forth. Another type of wave is when a rock or any object hits the water and then i sends a force and makes waves
I like the soun. I see sound waves when my uncle play loud music and the light waves I see that in the heat
Two types of waves in my life are sound waves and light waves. WAVES ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well at the beach i see transverse waves. at home there are soundwaves
There is many types of waves. For example, there is transverse and longitudinal waves a transverse wave would water waves or rope waves. longitudinal waves would be sound waves. transverse waves travel up and down while longitudinal waves travel in a coiled pattern.
There are many waves in my life,there are radio waves ,sound waves, water waves, electric waves. And A Lot Moe
I have sound waves and light waves in my life. The sound waves help me hear when someone is talking to me. The light waves help me see the world around me.
Waves are in my life because I have an alarm clock that produces sound to wake me up.
Waves are in my life when I play video Games And when I ride my Dirtbike
The two waves i have in my life are sound waves and heat waves. sound waves because i hear with ears and hear people talk.
Two waves are sound waves and light waves.
In the morning, I wake up to the light waves as the sun rises in the east. Another wave that I experience is the sound waves from my favorite music.
Waves play a huge role in our lives.
Waves are all around us. There are Sound waves or waves at the beach. ocean waves are transverse waves. sound waves are longitudinal waves.
Their are sound waves and also electric waves. One sound wave is the ocean waves and a electric wave is when something is filled with electric.
Sound wave and electric wave. Sound waves is like the ocean waves. Electric waves is when something is caring electric things.
A wave could be in a string or in a wave in the ocean
Some waves that are in everyday life are sound waves and light waves. Sound waves are when sound travels so you can hear someone or something. An example of light waves
is when you turn the lights on and you then are able to see.
I have sound in my life when the lights are on in my house. Also when the heat is on it travles through the house. then I have sound waves by my family and the TV.
A wave is in my life by my voice and by movement.
Waves are in my life everyday. When I talk it sends out sound waves,and when I turn on the lights it sends out light waves. Thats how waves are in my life everyday.
Some of the waves that are in my life are light waves and sound waves.
Sound waves are waves created from any kind of sound if there was not a wave then you would not be able to hear anything.
I like wave so i can hear in my life
Wave in my life are heat waves and sound waves
Waves are important and heres two waves theres sound waves and heat waves.
Waves are important and heres two waves theres sound waves and heat waves.
Their are alot of waves for example their are electromatic waves theyare transferd to one another. Their is also a longitudtionil wave they are parell to the wave that travels.
Some waves of my life are sound nad heat waves.
Some ways waves are in my life are when i talk and my t.v. Another way waves are in my life is the waves at the beach
Some ways waves are in my life are when i talk and my t.v. Another way waves are in my life is the waves at the beach
light waves
i use sound waves to talk and light waves for light.
Some ways that waves are in my life are sound waves, and light waves.
i use sound waves to talk and light waves to use light
I have two waves in my life sound waves and transfer waves
sound waves and electromagnetic waves
sound waves , electromagnetic waves.
sound waves , electromagnetic waves.
their are two type of wave for example a drum
Some waves are sound waves and a Brain waves , i experience sound waves by listning to music , I also experience that when you learn your Brain waves get stroger
Some of the waves in my life are when I talk to people.
some other wave in my life are at the beach when i go swimming.
The waves in my life would be going back and forth to my moms and dads.
The waves in my life would be going back and forth to my moms and dads.
The waves in my life would be going back and forth to my moms and dads.
Hand waves and sound waves.
i notice a wave today when we did the water experiment and i saw different numbers of waves and wave lengths
There are sound waves and Light waves in my life. There are sound waves in my life because when you talk your sending out sound wave also like when you talk in a microphone.There are light waves because when you go to place there are light waves and light waves help you so you can see, and also they send off electricity and waves.
my first wave is when i get up in the mornining because i hear my alarm clock go off an at the end of the day a wotch tv so that is a wave
a wave in my life is a voice wave and movement waves
Waves that are in my life are transverse wave (ex. water.there are also longitudinal(ex. sound waves
sound waves, and light waves
Waves are everywhere in my life. As in sound waves when i hear someone speak to me. another is water waves when i go to the beach.
Light, sound waves, hand waves
Light waves, sound waves, hand waves
A wave i see is ocean waves and electricity waves
Light waves, sound waves, hand waves
A wave is when a sound travels engery from place to place.a transverce wave is that moves in a right angle.
the wavelength is the top of a wave to the other top of a wave. the crest is the tip of the wave and the trough is the bottom tip of the wave and a refraction is when the wave isnt compressed together and compretion is when there ike stuk together. thats what i know about waves.
one wave i see is on a persons head and another wave i see is an ocean wave
Waves that are in my life are waves like sound waves , Transverse waves and finally longitudinal waves have compressions and rarefractions.
wave in my life are dreams and singing
Sound waves and water waves
Two type of waves are transverse waves and electromatic waves
one type of wave is called a transverse wave
Sound waves and light waves
they are interasting to me
waves are interesting to lern about
waves are interesting to lern about
1 thing waves are in my life are music.
2 is jumping
1. there is ekectromechanic
i can use wave when i'm talking
Two wave in my life are the sound waves coming from my brother's moth and a light wave coming from my lamp.
I see color waves and i hear sound waves.
Two ways waves are in live is one, I can hear people talk and the secound way is we can see colers
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