The more you study waves the more you come to realize that they seem to be everywhere around us. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you put your head down to sleep, there are waves in your life. What are some ways waves are in your own life? Describe at least two. I look forward to reading your posts!
1 – 200 of 296 Newer› Newest»Ideal with sound waves, and light waves
high wave and a light sound wave
one wave i see is waves on peoples heads . Another wave is a hand wave
one wave i see is waves on peoples heads . Another wave is a hand wave
Electrical waves are waves that are filled with energy. You can't see electrical waves. There is also sound waves. They are waves of sound that travel from someone or something to your ear. Sound waves also cant be seen.
heat waves they come when it is hot out side. sound wave is how loud the sound is
one wave is heat waves
waves are everywhere they are at the beach, and in the air they amazing.
sound waves,light waves
also the hand waves are a kind of wave too
I deal with sound waves. sound wave come from the objects vibrations when they touch. i also deal with light waves. hey form when light hits an object, waves and light refection rebound into your eyes.
Every day i see light waves and a microwave.
Waves are every where. There are sound waves, light waves, and the fun waves you do at sport stadiums. Light waves are super fast. They are the fastest in the world. We all make sound waves every day when we speak.
There are wave at the ocean that I see every day. They can be big or small. Theres also waves in objects like string. If you shake a string it will make a wave
One wave that I always see is waves on a beach. The waves of the beach are always moving. Either wildley or softly depending on the tide of the moon. Another wave is the waves of a boys head. When boys get a hair cut they always come out with waves on their head.
Heat waves are like so hot that you cant go outside in it or you will be so hot. A hand wave is when you like say to somebody you wave to them.
I see light waves when I turn on my bedroom light to get out of bed and walk down the stairs to eat breakfast. I hear sound waves when my mother is loudly saying "Get up!" at 6:30am each morning.
heat waves they are waves that are in the air when it is hot. waves in the ocean but they do not do any thing
I see waves all the time one of them I see are hand waves. Hand waves are when you move your hand in the air and move it back and forth. Another one is a sound wave you can't see it but, you can hear it because it's a sound it's with you all the time.
There are sound waves that travel from a person or a thing that transfers to your ear. Also there are electrical waves they are filled with energy. They are transparent so you can not see them. Sound waves are also trasparent.
One wave is called LIGHT WAVES. They travel through the light and make up the light. There are also SOUND WAVES that let the sound travel through the waves to your ears that's why you can hear. That's why some sounds are light and some are loud. There are also ELECTRICAL WAVES that are filled with energy but you cannot see the energy waves, but you can feel them.
Some waves in my life are the ones thats at the beach.And other is the one where there in your hair and also the heat wave.
I hear sound waves when I turn on the T.V every day.
I also see electrical waves when I plug in my computer to to charge it every day.
I hear sound waves when I turn on the T.V every day.
I also see electrical waves when I plug in my computer to to charge it every day.
there are eletric waves but the those waves you cant see them.there is also a sound waves and sound waves are like you can hear when something is happening like something beating on the table you can hear it and those are called sound waves.
The waves at the beach are powerful current that can push or pull you in the water. So, If the waves have a strong current it could pull or push me out of the water. Sometimes I go under water and I get a face full of sand.
There are all types of waves.Two kinds of waves are the sound wave, a sound wave is what helps you here sounds any sounds you here are sound waves that are sending waves to your ear. Another kind of wave is the eletric wave a eletric wave has energy that sends waves so you can have eletricity and if you didnt have eletric waves then more than likely you woulnt have any electricity. Thses waves are waves that we use everyday.
Sounds waves are sounds that travel to make sounds for us to here like people talking to us. And when people play bands that makes sound waves.
There are two waves that i am sure that are in my life electrical waves that is energy that powers lights and stuff like that but you cant see the waves.There are sound waves if you beat a drum that drum sounds travel from that drum to people around that can hear the drum.
The waves i use are the sound wave so i can hear thing. The waves that to get light that is called the light wave
Sound waves are in my life because if we didn't have sound waves, we wouldn't be able to hear. Light waves are also in my life. If I use a microwave, the heat waves heat anything you put in there, also an oven does the same thing.
I here sound waves when you touch other objects together it makes noise.light waves are wen light hits an object with light and it reflects off of it.
I deal with sound waves, sound waves are like whenever you are making a noise, and the sound will travel to people so they can hear you. I also deal with, light waves which are when you turn on a light switch the light will go on and the light travels from one light to the other.
Sound waves are everywhere without them we would not be able to hear.Light waves are also everywhere, the oven or microwave heats anything in it.
sound waves when you talk your moth makes a sound wave if you heard a load shreking noise it make a sound wave and another kind wave is when it's super hot side you will feel a heat wave hit your body because of the heat
I here sound waves when you touch other objects together it makes noise.light waves are wen light hits an object with light and it reflects off of it.
The waves in my life is a sound wave because i listen to music also when we burn stuff there is a wave in the smoke
waves that are in my life is sound waves and electrical waves. sound waves is in music when music plays and causes a vibration and an echo. electrical waves is when energy flows through a wire and connect to other wires.
Their are sound waves is when you take a object and hit it then listen close and also their is current wave that I don't know that muchabout
I have many waves in my life like sound waves microwave waves radio waves and light waves. Radio waves travel through the air from a radio station to your car or house. Also we all have light waves in our life some are made from a power source and some are made from natural gas. Finally x-ray waves some people like me had to get there wrist x-rayed because they think they broke it it can see through our flesh to see our bone.
I deal with lightwaves when I look at things because lightwaves bounce off of objects so that we can see. Sound waves are series of vibrations that bounce around so we can hear things.
Two waves that is in my life a lot is sound waves. A sound waves I hear is my mom or sister yelling or my dogs paws running across he floor. Another wave is a heat wave. I said heat wave because there is alway's heat on in my house and the lamps create the heat also. there are a lot of waves but I can't name them all.
There are many waves like sound waves.Its when two objects connect to make a sound.Also there is heat waves. That's when it is really hot.
In my life i have sound waves, sound waves are made when someone or something acts upon a object or a person speaking. also in my life is light waves they are formed when a light such as the sun appears and is seen by a person.
the sound of a wave if a person is breathing in someone neck the wave .
Two types of waves in my life are, light waves by I was at a a fair watching my cousin perform and I was being flashed by a light, and the other kind of wave is water that crashes down on you.
I hear sound waves when people talk or when some body hits something.sound waves are every where because when something hits something else it makes a sound. A light wave is another wave that is every where. I see light when someone flips a switch and i can see it right away because it travels very fast.
When I first wake up in the morning the first kind of waves I encounter are sound waves that come from vibrations in my alarm clock. After that I go down stairs and use micro-waves to heat up water for oatmeal. The microwaves create friction that gradually heats the food up.
I use sound waves to talk to people during the day. I also use light waves to see during the day to see.
i can hear sound waves when my ears ring or when some one talk. I also feel wind waves when some one blow in my face.Also our ears work by sound wave the waves vibrate our ear drums that how we hear.
Colors are light waves that we see everyday.
We use sound waves to talk to each other.
Different kinds of Waves are in my life, like sound waves.In the morning I wake up, because sound waves from my alarm clock cause vibrations to make the noise. Also, I deal with light waves that make it so I can see objects from the light bouncing off the objects.
Sound waves and heat waves are in my life. Sound waves are something that you hear and heat waves are when your outside and it's hot and you feel a little heat.
Waves are every where in our lives they are on tv at the beach and many other places.
i think wave are a part of me because i can always hear the beach and hear the waves crash on the beach
There are sound waves and light waves. Sound waves are made when someone is talking. Light waves are when the sun comes up, it is more easy to see. You can't see sound waves, but you can hear them.
Waves are apart of my life by there being sound waves and heat waves. sound waves are how loud or soft the pitch is. heat waves are how hot or cold something is.
One sound wave i hear everyday is a sound wave. It is when sounds move through the air and they come to you and you hear it. Another wave is light waves that is how the light moves through the air. And that gives the light so we can see.
There are waves coming out of your mouth when you talk. There is a another wave in the ocean.
the type of are the sounds i hear coming from the t.v. and the other one is when the energy for the eleticty come on
One wave I encounter is radio waves I hear radio waves when I listen to the radio also I encounter microwave waves I microwave food with this Wave Lastly I encounter sound waves When I hear anything or when anybody talks. Sound waves are vibrations caused by the air vibrating towards my ear
When you touch a metal piece it sometimes sends a magnetic wave to the person and it shocks them. When a wave in the ocean is formed it keeps going until their is no water left so it can continue.
There are many waves in my life. One of the waves are sound waves. Sound waves transfer sound to my ears, just like when we communicate. Another wave in my life are light waves. Light waves use a beam of light to reflect on my eye. These are some of the waves of my life.
Waves follow us everywhere we go sometimes we see tham sometimes we dont. The sound waves may or may not can be herd.Heat waves keep us warm. They move though the air and hit us to warm our bodys.
Sound waves are all around they travel to are ears but they can not be seen.Light waves travel too but they only travel so far
two waves in my life are sound waves and heat waves.sound waves travel when people talk or when something makes contact for sound. heat waves come from he sun or a light bulb when it gets hot.
Two waves you always experience in your life is a sound wave and a light wave. A sound wave is a wave of sound that can either come from a person, animal, or object. A light wave is a wave of light that can come from a lightbulb or sun.
Two waves you always experience in your life is a sound wave and a light wave. A sound wave is a wave of sound that can either come from a person, animal, or object. A light wave is a wave of light that can come from a lightbulb or sun.
Electromagnetic waves are made by electricity and magnetism and you can feel them and hear them. Sound waves are waves of sound that travel from a person or thing to your ear. Sound waves can't be seen.
Sound waves you cant see but hear and they are all around us. Also there are heat waves. You cant see them either and they make you hot.
Electrical waves are wave that are filled with energy. These waves you can not see. Sound waves are waves that have sound and that travel to an ear.
Electrical waves are wave that are filled with energy. These waves you can not see. Sound waves are waves that have sound and that travel to an ear.
Electrical waves are wave that are filled with energy. These waves you can not see. Sound waves are waves that have sound and that travel to an ear.
We see light waves and sound waves everyday light waves are what makes the world light up sound waves help you hear things in order to see something you need light waves and to hear something you need sound waves
I face sound waves because sound waves are sound that goes to a person's ear. I also face heat waves because heat waves are heat that transfers to a person or a object.
waves can be in the ocean also they could be electrical wave that are filled with energy
There are waves in my life like the waves at the beach that are made of water. There are sound waves everywhere and they make you able to hear things because they go in your ear.
There are a lot of waves. For example sound waves is when you hear something like music when you play the tuba the sound waves come out and you can hear them.Another wave is ocean waves when you are at the beach the waves from the ocean come up to you if your close enough.
some of the waves i here when i go to bed and i wake up is the loud also when i come to school i see a lake and that makes sounds which is none as waves
Their are heat waves which are invisible but you can feel them like around a fire heat are what make you feel the heat. Sound waves made from sound and every thing you hear is sound waves.
Electrical waves are waves that are fulled wilth all energy .You can't see the waves. There also sound waves. They travel through your ears also can't be seen.
some of the waves i here when i go to bed and i wake up is the loud Tv also when i come to school i see a lake and that makes sounds which is none as waves just like music the sound are the waves
The two waves that are in my life are sound waves because me and my siblings are always yelling at each other a sound wave is a wave that travels really fast through an entire room and straight into your ear. Also the other one is light waves are waves that travel really fast and they can be seen they fly across.
some of the waves i here when i go to bed and i wake up is the loud Tv also when i come to school i see a lake and that makes sounds which is none as waves just like music the sound are the waves
Sound waves make you hear. If we did not have sound waves we could not hear. That is why I am thankful we have sound waves.
one type of wave is heat waves. when you use heat the waves are being processed creating heat waves. another type of wave is sound waves. when you talk or listen to music or watch a video you are experiencing sound waves.
some of the waves i here when i go to bed and i wake up is the loud Tv also when i come to school i see a lake and that makes sounds which is none as waves just like music the sound are the waves
i interact with sound and electric waves. A electric wave is waves with electric in them you cant see them but they are real. A sound wave is a vibration that flows to somebody else
one type of wave is sound waves. the sound goes from one person or thing to something else. Another type of wave is light waves. the light bounces off something to your eyes. light waves also create colors.
waves are like sounds, that are filled with energy. they are wave sounds that travel.
When you wave your hands you see a wave that follows your hand where it was last time. Also theres a heat wave when something is cooking the gasoline or the propane turns into little waves in the air from the gasoline or when its hot outside.
The two waves I deal with is sound wave because me and my sisters always yell and when there no sound i think of sound waves. An other wave is light waves are waves that travel across the sky and the can be seen.
theres different types of waves like eletricail waves but u cant see them. also sound waves u can only hear them.
theres different types of waves like eletricail waves but u cant see them. also sound waves u can only hear them.
Waves are all around us. And you cannot see electrical waves though
you can see waves at beaches, and there are different kind of waves
There are a certain amount of waves 1 is electrical waves that give off electrical energies. Also there are sound waves that take the sound of vibration and touch motion.
Light waves are in my life everyday. When I wake up in the morning I go in the bathroom and turn on the light. Sound waves are in my life to. When I am sleep my alarm wakes me up with noise.
in my life i hear have sound waves. when i sing,or play my violin it puts out sound. Light waves, when i turn on my lights in my room.
i hear sound waves when people talk to me because i can hear them. Also i see light waves because when i turn on the lights in my house i see light. Also when i walk into the school i see light waves
I use a wave by turning on a flash light. Another way Is by turning on my computer.
Waves are when the power goes out .Radio waves is like
when it goes through the atennea so you can listen to music.
Sound waves are my life. When my mom yells at me to get up. Light wave when i go walk to my bus stop the sun is in my face.
Radio waves is how stations let you listen to music. The waves travel through the air. The other wave in my life is when you wave to your friend
I hear sound waves when mr. honer tells us to get to work. I see light waves when the sun comes up.
i have waves of light and every were in my life i have
waves in the world.I see light waves on my laptop.Electrical waves put out electric.
light waves are waves i use when i turn a light on. sound waves are waves i use when i hear things
one wave i see is heat waves when its hot out and A hand wave
I see light waves when I go outside at noon. I hear sound waves when I am asked if I have homework.
Two different kinds of waves can be sound waves and light waves. An example of a sound wave can be when someone talks to you. An example of a light wave is when I turn on my bedroom light in the morning.
I hear sound waves wen my brother is yelling. I have light waves in my life wen i turn on a light.
when i go outside in the summer i feel heat wave and when my mom says "CLEAN UP YOUR ROMM NOW!" i hear sound waves.
I hear sound waves when my little dog is barking at my brothers and i see light waves when i turn on the lights in my house.
I use waves ever day i drink water that has waves and eat chips that have waves. When i take a bath or shower and move my hands in the water it makes waves
The waves i deal with in my life are like ocean waves in the summer time at the beach. I listen to sound waves of music. From my headphones to my ears.
I have waves in my life including sound waves. When someone is talking for example, the wave travels from the person's mouth, to my ears. Sound waves go really fast. Another wave is energy waves filled with energy
The waves i see is on peoples heads and in the water
One kind of wave is a sound wave. Sound waves happen when you speak. When you talk, sound waves are produced. They travel through the air until they reach your ear. Then, they vibrate your eardrum, and you can hear what they said. Another kind of wave is a light wave. When the lights come on, the light waves travel through the air, until your eyes can see the light. Both of these kinds of waves travel very fast.
Waves that are in my day to day life are eletrical waves. Eletrical waves are filled with lots of energy, but i cant see the waves passing by. Also there are sounds waves. sound waves travel from place to place to get to something.
air waves are every where because the air is every where that we go
there are waves when i talk and move when i talk i am making sound waves and also volume
The two waves are when my mom tells me to get up in the morning and the waves at the beach.
Their are many waves.such as Eletrical waves which are filled with energy they are in my life everyday.Also their are sound waves which i hear everyday when i sing or hear music.
Sound waves travel by sound light waves travel by light.
The kind of waves I use in my everyday life are I use sound waves to hear what everyone says to me so I can respond to them. I also use Light waves so I can se what everyone is wearing, what color there wearing. Those are just two of the waves I use there is many more i use.
The sun gives us light and heat waves, without them there would be no life on Earth. We hear sound wave on the radio and on the T.V.
Light waves and sound waves
Some waves i see in my life are heat waves, water waves, sound waves, and light waves.
Sound waves and light waves i listen to sound waves and and i see the color of objects because they either reflect or obsorb light waves.
i hear sound waves at school and see light waves on the TV
One wave is my alarm clock in the morning. the sound waves travel to my ear drum. sun is another. the light is what causes the color we see all around us.
I have sound waves from band because when i play it travels through as sound waves.
one wave is on your shoe and another is your hand
there are all kinds of waves sound waves are used when you talk like outside in school were ever you speak thats were a sound wave is.
You can hear because of sound waves.For example, the sound waves disrupt the air and travels to your ear I believe.
a wave for me its like i was born on the beach every summer i go to the beach
One wave is a sound wave, when something makes a sound the air around it vibrates and causes it to travel. Another wave is an electric wave the carries energy. You cant see or hear this wave.
Light waves sound waves
Light waves sound waves
there are many types of waves one is a sound wave that produces by vibrations.there is also a water wave that moves along the rest position and you can also measure the water wave by the rest postion to the trough.
there are different types of waves
one is a electromgnetic waves and another is mechcanical waves.
Sound waves are waves that you can hear by like some one or something to your ear. Electrical waves are filled with energy but you can't see it.
One wave in my life is ligth waves I see light waves when im watching CSI on tv. Another is sound waves i hear sound aves from my sisters fussing.
Two waves i use in life is light waves for every time i turn on a light i am using a light wave. I also use heat waves for when i have to cook my food i have to use heat waves to make it not cold.
Two waves i use in life is light waves for every time i turn on a light i am using a light wave. I also use heat waves for when i have to cook my food i have to use heat waves to make it not cold.
I hear sound waves when I play my clarinet and it travels around the room. Another wave is a light wave when I look at a cd I see the light reflecting off of it.
One wave that I deal with in my life is a light wave. A light wave occurs with i flick my light switch on in my room every day. The light travels through my whole room to light it up. Another wave is a sound wave. That occurs when I talk to other people or they talk to me. The sound that comes out travels letting me hear it.
Two waves i use in my life is i see light waves and i hear sound waves.
one wave in my every day life is a sound wave cause we need a sound wave to talk to our friends a sound wave is a invisible fast moving wave from our mouth to someones ear. another wave we use a electrical wave that travels from the outlet to the thing that is plugd in to it and it is always filled with energy.
Some waves are I deal with are sound waves and light waves
There sound waves in are lives. For example when you talk your voice travels to other peoples ears. we also have energe waves ypu could see a energe wave like when you pluge something insuch as a tv and after you plug it in the tv terens on thats because the energe traveled to the tv.
i see waves at the beach. Another wave I see are when people say hi by waving to one another.
There are two wave that I know everybody has encountered in their lives including my own sound waves and there are motion waves when you move around.
Two ways that waves are in my life is when birds or people and animals make noise which creates a sound wave.Water waves are in my life too like when you pour a cup of water it sways back and forth and makes a little wave.
The two waves i know i see/hear everyday from the time i wake up to the time i go to sleep are sound waves and motion waves. I picked these two because when you talk its a sound wave and when you move its a motion wave.
There are different types of waves that occur in life. One of the waves are heat waves. heat wave are waves that make it really hot outside, hotter than its normal. Another wave is sound waves. sound waves help us hear what other people are saying. Those are some waves that occur in everyday life.
There are many types of waves. One is sound waves. This wave makes sound travel so we can hear talking, screams, etc. Another type of wave would be light waves. When we turn on the light in our kitchen to get a Hot Pocket or other type of food, these waves make light travels to our eyes so we can see what's surrounding us better,
The two waves that I have are Sound waves and Light waves!!!!!!!
I always have waves in my life. to listen to you, to listen to my mom and dad. I also have light waves. if there was not any light waves we would not be able to see so well. I love science!!!
Sound wave and light wave
Sound waves and Light waves.
Ocean waves and light waves
Ocean waves and light waves
Waves play a big role in our lives, and their are different types of waves
Waves play a big role in our lives, and their are different types of waves
Waves are in my life all the time even when i type this response, what i mean is the computer is using ELECTRICAL waves and my ears heaing SOUND waves and i am using LIGHT waves to see the things i am typing on the computer.
sound waves and light waves
waves play a big role is ythat is i see waves in the ocen
waves play a big role is ythat is i see waves in the ocen
There is the sound wave. The ocean wave and light wave. There are waves every where!
sound and heat waves
There are many types of waves. One wave is called light waves. Another is called ocean waves. Also one more is called a sound wave.
I hear and use waves every day the first example is listening to my mom and dad wich is a sound wave and the second reason is a light wave and you use that when you turn on the light.
Light waves reflect off objects, so that helps us see thinghs. Sound waves help us hear things like people talking or notes from an instrument.
I use sound waves evryday and also use light waves everyday
Light wave is was the awseomeness thing I ever seen because it gives us light everyware. But how do you my eyes help me see?
I found waves in life all around. Like when i did are expiriment i heard sound waves
I hear sound waves when my alarm goes off every morning and when my phone vibrates. You cannot see sound waves. There is also light waves. I see light waves when i see Mr. Honer teaching in class. You only see light waves because the waves bounce off of everything. Most waves you cannot see.
There are many different types of waves. I witness many waves each day. Such as, sound waves and light waves. Sound waves are like if you speak into a megaphone the sound travels through the air to the crowd. Also, light waves are the waves that travel from the light through the air. They can bounce off of people clothes as well. We are unable to see the waves that travel through the air. Therefore, those are just 2 of the waves I witness everyday.
There are sound waves and light waves. I go to my house and always turn on the light. And when I talk to my friend we use sound waves.
Some ways that waves are in my life are like when I talk to someone, and they answer back, I hear sound, which comes in waves. Another type of wave that is in my life is a light wave, and when the sun is shining, the light comes in waves. One last way that waves are in my life are the type of wave that water can make. This wave is formed by the wind, and affects me in my life by causing the water to knock me down or to be able to feel the water when it comes from long distances and hits the beach. Then, it comes up onto the land and if I or someone else is in its path, hits that person even if they are far away from the actual water.
Two kinds of waves that are in my life are sound waves and light waves.
The two waves in my life like there is sound waves. There is heat waves in my body . There is also light waves in my body.
There are many waves. One is a sound wave,there is a heat wave and a ocean wave. .
There are many waves. One is a sound wave,there is a heat wave and a ocean wave. .
I deal with sound waves and heat waves.
The two waves are sound wave and light wave.
Wave are used in my life because everyone talks or sees someone talk every day, also light waves when a person opens a light.
I deal with sound waves and heat waves
Sound waves and electrical waves.
Shelby t
Some ways are walking and talking. More are breathing water waves and writting.
There are many waves in my life. Those waves are sound waves and lights because there all around us and we use them every day.
I love Waves!!!!!!!!
Thier are 2 waves Tranverse and Longitudlene waves
Two types of waves are sound and light waves.
Two types of waves are sound and light waves.
Waves that are in my life are waves like Transverse Waves (ex. Water and rope). There are also Longitudinal Waves ( Compression) ex. Sound waves. Transverse Waves have a crest and a trough. Longitudinal Waves have compressions and rarefractions.
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