Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hey there Space Cadets!
We just started our new unit on Astronomy - that is the study of space. It is something that I have been interested in for a long time. I had some great science teachers along the way that started me on my quest to learn all I could about space!
Here is my question for the week:
How are objects in space related to each other? How do they affect each other? Post your answer as soon as you can and don't forget to look up!


Anonymous said...

How are objects in space related to each other? How do they affect each other? Post your answer as soon as you can and don't forget to look up!
the sun may over heat the earth and it may affect the people on the earth.

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are weightless and move slow. They're all round.

Anonymous said...

The planets all revolve around the sun.A way they affect each other is they could go through some type of change and that change could do something to space,or affect the other planets.

Anonymous said...

They are all weightless they move very slowly the are all round. But they are not the same size some are BIG like jupiter or the smallest planet pluto

Anonymous said...

Everything in space evolves around something. The moon revolves around Earth, and Earth revolves around the Sun. Also, everything revolves because of gravity and inertia.

Anonymous said...

the objects in space are related because by the planets goes around the earth and the sun that's how they're related.

Anonymous said...

The objects in space goes around the earth and the sun.

Anonymous said...

Every object in space are weightless and slow because they're all round

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are weightless and they move slow because they are round.The planets are also revolve around the sun.

Anonymous said...

The objects in space are related by there atmasphere because for one thy really don't have one.Two they can effect each other if one gets out of it's orbit and effects another planets orbit.

Anonymous said...

Plant's in space are related by they are all round,they move slow,and there also weightless.

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related because they all revolve around the sun. They affect each other because if one thing changes like a planet moving out of orbit, it could also affect some of the other planets it is closest to.

Anonymous said...

All of the planets in the solar system all revolve around the sun. How they affect each other is that all of the planets could go out of the axis and hit another planet

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are round, move slow, revolve around the sun, and are weightless.They affect other planets when they move out of there orbit.

Anonymous said...

All of the of the objects in space are weightless.The things in space can hit eachother,and that could cause a little bit of damage!That is how objects in space are related, and how they affect each other.

Anonymous said...

The moon is close to the earth witch
shines on the moon on the earth durning night and morning. because the sun light on the moon down to the earth.

Anonymous said...

they are all in the universe.

Anonymous said...

there all related to eachother becaouse most of the things in space are held in orbit by gravity by another planet or galaxy.

Anonymous said...

all the objects in space are round and huge. they are almost all weightless. the hole univers goes around multipul suns

Anonymous said...

All of the objects in space are light and are weightless.They all revole around the sun.

Anonymous said...

Objects are related because they are all
part of the UNVERS!One star could blowup
each other.

Anonymous said...

All the planets or moons all have are heated by the sun even neptune!If the planets all didn't do there revaloution then other planets wouldn't get heat.

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are weightless

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related because all of the objects in the space revolve around the sun.They affect each other because of the planets that it is closest too.

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related to each other because they all revolve around the sun. They effect each other because they can go out of orbit and hit each other.

Anonymous said...

All things in space are related because they all are weghtless

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are all the same because they can all live in space,weigh almost nothing,and most of them are round. All of our planets revolve around the sun but asteroids revolve around our asteroid belt.

Anonymous said...

One of the elements that make up the plants is rock. they all are pulled in by gravity and inersher.

Anonymous said...

By how they are made up of rock and they affect each other by if a planet gets destroyed everything in its atmoshere will not be in the orbit it was.

Anonymous said...

all the planets revolve around the sun. They could effect each other by the inertia and gravity pulling against each other.

Anonymous said...

All the planets revolve around the sun.Gravity and inertia holds up the stuff in space.Like the planets and the moons.Without gravity and inertia everything will come crashing down.

Anonymous said...

the planets are all weightless and revolve around the sun.

Anonymous said...

all the things in space are big and round and almost weightless

Anonymous said...

They all float around in space.They could change the change is something could happen to space.

Anonymous said...

They all have gravitational pull on each other

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are either a gas, a rock, or ice with catastrophic
results like putting something in orbit.

Anonymous said...

they all rotate and go around the sun.They all have gravitational pull and can be used to slingshot rockets.

Anonymous said...

They are all planets. They affect each other by that they all have cores and the heat affects the other planets/.

Anonymous said...

the planets rotate the sun

Anonymous said...

Every planet has layers. Also every planet revolves and rotates around the sun.

Anonymous said...

they are related because they are objects.they effect each other because they can crash to each other.

Anonymous said...

All planets orbit by rotating and revolving.They all get effecting with each others changes.Ex.the scale.

Anonymous said...

objects in space are alike because they are round they have day and night and they all have gravity ans inertia.Objects in space are different because some are gas planets and some are rocky planets.So that is how objects in space are alike and different.

DuCiEs mR.hOneR

~Lady Greene~

Anonymous said...

they're all spheres. they affect each other when the moon gives earth high tide and low tide.

Anonymous said...

They all rotate the sun. They affect each other by low tide and high tide the moon gravtiy controls low tide and high tide.

Anonymous said...

the planets rotate around the sun. a rock can hit other planets.

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related because all planets orbit the sun most planets have moons.

Anonymous said...

object in space are alike because they are round they have gravity and inertia and they have day and night. They are different because some planets are gas planets and some planets are rocky planets.So that is how the objects in space are alike and different.

DuCiEs mR.HoNEr

*Lady pickens*

Anonymous said...

All of the planets rotate around the sun.The moons gravity controls high tide and low tide on the earth.

Anonymous said...

objects in space are related to eachother because they move around the sun. they effect eachother by hitting other objects and destroying them

Anonymous said...

all the things in space contain planets, a star, and each planet contains moons. And everything revolves around the sun

Anonymous said...

there related to each other because they all orbit the sun and the suns gravity keeps them in orbit. If something happened to the sun it would effect all the planets.

Anonymous said...

they are the same because they all have an orbit around the sun. they are different because they each take different path around the sun

Anonymous said...

they are related because go around the sun and go around the sun orbit by them not going into the another orbit

Anonymous said...

the planets in space are related because they go around the sun and they are in orbit... also they can get out f gravity and hit other planeets

Anonymous said...

they are the same because they spin around the sun and they are different because they are not the distance.

Anonymous said...

They all orbit around the sun. If something happens it could affect the whole system.

Anonymous said...

The planets are related because they all orbit around the sun and they all have layers. Meteors can smash into a planet and leave craters.

Anonymous said...

Each planet revolves around the sun.A way they could affect each other is that they could crash into one another at once and a piece could come through the Earth's athmosphere.

Anonymous said...

They are related because the planets move around the sun and also orbit the sun's orbit by going around in circles to make an big explosion and they are both formed with gas.

Anonymous said...

They are all made of either rock,gas or ice. They all orbit around the sun, they are all round.

Anonymous said...

they are all round and big

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related to each other because they orbit around the sun.They affect one another if they fall out of orbit and will crash into the planet closest to it.

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are round, and orbit around the sun, don't way as much as they would on earth, they float by gravity and stay in orbit because of inertia.

Anonymous said...

there all big and round

Anonymous said...

They are all in the same solar system. They all have a core. They are different because some are made of gas and some are made of rock and iron.

Anonymous said...

all of the planets have gravity and inertia so the so the planets and other objects are going slow so they will not hit anything.

Anonymous said...

all objects in space are alike because they all orbit around the sun are held in space by gravity and inertia

Anonymous said...

there al round n bigg objects n space related 2 each others the sun may over heat the earth and it may affect the people on the earth

Anonymous said...

Bcaues the earth diffent

Anonymous said...

all objects in space are alike because planets,asteroids and everything else is held in in space because of gravity and inertia. All the planets orbit around the sun.

Anonymous said...

Bcaues the earth diffent

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related to each other because they all have rotation and revolution.

Anonymous said...

The planets all revolve around the sun and if one planet would die or explode the next planet would get more sunlight.

Anonymous said...

the sun is hotter than the others so if the planets get to close they will burn up the planets. some have ice some have rocks some have volcanoes and crater.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All objects have some sort of orbit and have layers.If an objects orbit thrown off it would crash into things.

Anonymous said...

Objects in space are the same in many ways. For example all the planet have inteara and are held up by gravity.They affect each other because if we only had one planet we might not be here if it was not the planet earth.

Anonymous said...

All objects in space are weight less and go around the sun.

Anonymous said...

They all have big craters and they all are part of the solar system.

Anonymous said...

They are related by rotation and revolution and layers.They effect it by maybe more days and years.

Anonymous said...

They are related because they were all formed by "The Big Bang"

Anonymous said...

All the objects in space are related because their weightless that are held by gravity.also their all round.

Anonymous said...

they are related to each other because all of the things in space have an orbit around the sun they affect each other because if they hit each other then they could change its size or shape

Anonymous said...

They all are made of rock.

Anonymous said...

they are related to each other because they all orbit around the sun.

Anonymous said...

there related in a way like earth is related to mars .They affect each other a lot like asteroids can push each other to mess in the asteroid belt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All the objects revolve or move around the sun also they all move very slow.IF there were a change the objects will move in a different space.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Objects in space are related to each other because they orbit the sun. Asteroids can affect planets if they fall and crash into to them.

Anonymous said...

They all orbit the sun very slowly.

Anonymous said...

the things in the solar system are alike is that they all are in space and all the planets are hit by asteroids and they are all planets

Anonymous said...

They all have a core.They make a sigh in the sky in other planets

Anonymous said...

They all have a core.They make a sigh in the sky in other planets

Anonymous said...

they all orbit around the sun.

Anonymous said...

Some of the planets have a core, mantle, crust, outer core.All of the planets have an atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

Hi Colonel Middle 6th grade! I just wanted to give a shoutout to a few people Savannah,Kayla,Daphne,Ebony,Emily, Janiya,Jakiyah,Ja'el,Marie,Mirose, Lily,Makeena,Nakia,Thaisha

Anonymous said...

Hi There Sith Grade I Just Wanted To Give A Shout Out To Some People I Know Kaitlin,Anna,Tylijah,aliyah,ashleyg,rinashas,and Marias

Hola Peoples


Anonymous said...

Hey for all those that miss Abby I talk to her every day on my phone she likes her new school ,but she says it's not as good as Colonel Richardson Middle School !!!!!!!!!!

TristanS said...

They effect each others orbits. The more mass they have the more they pull on things around them.

kristenc said...

all objects in space are weightless and move slow. also they are all round.

shaylad said...

all the object in space even the planets travel slowly around the sun they r weightless they move very slowly but none of the planets apar to be the same size or shape