Sunday, November 23, 2008

Selective Breeding

Check out the following slide show and discuss the answers to the questions with your group.

How does the growth and survival of the oysters in the Chesapeake Bay depend on the evolution of the oysters?

* think about what you learned about the selective breeding of oysters


Anonymous said...

If they die there won't be any oysters to breed.

Anonymous said...

If they all die there will be nothing
we can do to help them.

Anonymous said...

Oysters are good for the bay because they filter the bay.

Anonymous said...

The survival of the oysters depends on if us humans at least try to keep them alive.

Anonymous said...

it depends on the evolution of the oysters by different places in the bay having different things for the oysters to use.But then other places might not have the same things for the oysters.For example one place might have more space for the oysters but another place might not have as much therefore the place with more space will let more oysters live or survive.

Anonymous said...

if the oysters become MSX-free there will be more healthy oysters.

Anonymous said...

With out the oysters the chesapeake bay would not be clean enough for other sea creatures.

Anonymous said...

Some oysters have different appearances or traits. For example different eyes,and colored shell.

Anonymous said...

If they have diseases the offspring will have the diseases and they will die at a young age.

Anonymous said...

We need oysters to filter out our bays and keep our underwater clean.

Anonymous said...

The survival of the oysters help the offspring because they need to survive to have another oyster without MSX.

Anonymous said...

If there are no resistant oysters than they would all be no oysters left to breed or eat.If all of the oysters die the bay will not be clean
and turn green.If oysters die then people will not be able to eat them.

Anonymous said...

The oysters are good filters for the chesapeake bay because without oysters the
bays wouldn't be clean.

Anonymous said...

if all the oysters die because of the msx there won't be anymore oysters to breed and make oysters that can survive thought the msx

Anonymous said...

oysters are great filters.

Anonymous said...

If the oysters evolve they may all become disease resistant. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the diseases the oysters may get.

Anonymous said...

If the population of oysters is low there isn't a good chance of having a offspring with evolution.

Anonymous said...

The survival of the oysters is based on how the evolution is. If the evolution is a very strange and dangerous one the survival is very unlikely and hard. If oysters die because of the evolution the population of oysters in the chesapeake bay will definetley go down. Just because of the evolution.

Anonymous said...

If the oysters die the organisms that feed off of them will die because of starvation.Also the growth of the oysters go down because people pollute Chesapeake Bay by throwing trash in on the ground and it blows from were they threw it to the Chesapeake Bay.Also the growth goes down because of chemicals that gets in to the bay.

Anonymous said...

if one group dies it is most likley that many groups die

Anonymous said...

The growth and survival of oysters depend on the evolution because with selective breeding, it may be easier to get MSX resistant oysters.

Anonymous said...

The survival of the oysters of Chesapeake Bay depend on the oysters that cant get Dermo or MSX. They need to breed in order to get more disease free oysters.

Anonymous said...

If the oysters die then there wont be
any more oysters to breed together.Also oysters are good for the bay because they filter the bay.

Anonymous said...

If the oysters die then there wont be
any more oysters to breed together.Also oysters are good for the bay because they filter the bay.

Anonymous said...

Some of the animals depend on and eat the oysters. If people kept eating the oysters then there would be no more oysters to breed. Also they kept
on eating the oysters then there will be no more oysters in the ocean. The bay depends on the oysters because it helps the bay.

Anonymous said...

If they all die the bay water will be dirty.

Anonymous said...

If all the oysters die from MSX or Dermo then there will be no oysters left to breed.Then the population of the oysters in the chesapeake bay will decline.

Anonymous said...

If oysters stay healthy and keep reproducing the oyster population wont drop as much

Anonymous said...

If they all die fishers can't catch them out of the chesapeake bay

Anonymous said...

If the oysters die then there will be any oysters to breed.Oysters filter the bay and with out them then the bay will be nasty and the animals will not be able to live.The animals that eat the oysters
will not be able to live.

Anonymous said...

If the oyster were to not grow sufficiently and would mess up the genetic processes and most likely kill the oysters that contain the genetic DNA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the oysters depend on the chesapeake bay for food and a home they think there food is trash,plastic,glass,paper,and other.

Anonymous said...

If all oysters are not resistant to msx nothing will fillter the bay

SHAYLAD said...

if they all die because of the polotion in liter in the sea/bay there is nothing we can de