We have been learning about the three kinds of environmental issues in Science class: population, resource use, and pollution. What is an issue that people in your community care about? Be Specific. Ask someone in your family or a neighbor. What is a possible solution to the problem? Post your answer this week!
A problem is to much poop in the fields or on the farms/Gardens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A solution is they could use less poop in there farms/Gardens:) ;) by the way the last face is winking
I think there is too much irrigation.
We are using to much of the water we need for other things.Irrigation helps us grow crops but it's stealing
the water we need.And we can just survive off of milk and meat.Irrigation is stealing money from people to.
The irrigation has it's own lawsuit so it can rust and be a waste of money.Like other standards we need.Irrigation is democracy use for everybody in the whole united state of america.Over 5,000 irrigation systems have been made in the united states.We need to shorten farm and irrigation.Gardens and little flower pots can stay. What cost do we have?Over millions of dollars!What benefits do we get? not much!We should use less irrigation.
One issue is that someone said is the drugs being sold at the corners, the education, and the plastic factory being in federalsburg. Another issue is the rasscesm in the neighborhood.
*I think there is way too much trash/litter on the side of the roads.
*A possible solution to the trash problem could be to make it mandatory for people to pick the trash on their street every couple of months.
i think the trash is the worst problem we have because people even through trash in my yard to. so thats what my answer is.
A problem in our comunity is pollution in the chesapeake bay. The pollution in the bay can be caused by farmers fertilizing their crops too much. Also, when people litter it runs into the bay. This could or will affect the population of our seafood.
Some ways to solve this would be for people to not litter and for farmers to not use as much fertilizer on the crops.
Litter because there is trash all
over the place that people leave all the time in my yard, in my neighbor's yard, in the woods,in the crops, and in the pond.
The solution to the problem would be to get with some people in my community and pick up the litter to make a difference.
A problem is the bubuget crisis a way to solve the problem is to lower taxes and cost on products.
I think that there is too much trash dumped on our roads. People throw trash out of their cars without caring where it ends up. Afterwards property owners are then left to clean up the mess. Dumping trash hurts the environment and isn't pretty to see. Now that you have to pay to use the Preston dump I'm afraid the problem will only get worse.
I think if people witness others dumping trash they should report it to the police. Or maybe the DNR should install cameras to catch the people dumping trash on remote roads. If these people get fined they might stop littering. Also, it would help if it didn't cost anything to go to the dump and if there were more public trash collection sites available. We need to make it easier for the lazy people in this community to get rid of their trash properly.
A community issue is cars driving to fast down the roads and not following the speed limit.
My mom says that says that speed bumps need to be plaved in the entrance.(I live in easton in waylands.)
She says there needs to be speed bumps place to reduce the speed of cars. cars are only supossed to go only 5 mph. the problem is there are kids that play on the road like riding there bike
Also when cars go 40-50 mph those kids who are playing on the road can get seriously hurt. this is one of a environmental issues in Talbot County
A problem is to much trash/litter on the sides of the road. A solution is to pick up trash every month
A problem is that there is too much trash/litter on my street andi tis being thrown on my corner and a way to slove this is to pick up trash if you see it on the ground or road.
I think trash is a problem because the trash is going to end up in the bay some how and then it can wash back up to shore or it can kill sea animals. Also if a baby is walking and the parents are not looking they can pick up a little plastic bottle and hurt them self. That why i put my trash in the garbge can or recycle it.
What me and my neighbors think is a big problem is the trash. We have a woods across our street and in the ditch there is tons of trash that you wouldnt see under the leaves, people even throw their trash in my yard.
A solution to this problem is we could not throw our trash, or clean it up.
The biggest problem in my community would be littering. When people drive by, they throw their trash wherever they please. Throwing trash wherever should not be tolerrated. If people are riding through a nieghborhood, then they should be close to their house. They should wait to throw it away in THEIR trashcan at their house.
My Mom says: She thinks littering is one of the environmental issues. She says that becuase she thinks we need our yards, fields, and other things to be clean.
If we stop littering and clean up our earth more often it might make our earth cleaner.
My dad says: He thinks people should recycle more instead of using natural resources to make our earth cleaner.
If we stop using natural resources and more of recycled material.
(mom)TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peaple just throw trash everywhere they go and it is everywhere but i know that everybody has done it.
(neighbor)peaple are speeding and we or they can get hurt and we have alot of kids playing but they can hit one of them and mader of fact we just had a acadent beacause peaple are speeding
(naighbor)she said that she usees to much paper she works in a offic and she does alot of it at home and she uses to much paper she said it is killing trees and we need to slow down on our paper use and that is what i got from my mom and dad and naighbors :)
My mom said that traffic is an issue in Preston. She said there were too many speeders.So to resolve the problem I would hire more policemen and add more cameras,to like lampposts.
(I agree with her)
Also my mom said we had lacking resources. To resolve that problem I would build a library and have a food pantry up in Preston.
She said we had inadequate technology(limited internet, cellphone reception,and cable). If I had the money I would build more towers and hire a couple of high trained workers.
Zoey said that there was too much littering so, I would form a clean up committee or add cameras to catch them.
Also she said that there were too many drunk drivers. Since drunk drivers sometimes knock down mailboxes I would add cameras and try to catch them and see if there are strips of metal or plastic from their vehicle.
i got alot of answers but the majority of the people i asked was that there are many pourly taken care of roads and sidewalks but also the lack of light at night!!!!
Two major problems in my community are littering and trespassing. Children in my community like running and riding their bikes in other people's yard. Also they do not put their trash in bags and when the dump truck dumps it the trash blows in everyone else's yard.
A problem is all the trash every where. We should not throw trash on the ground we should pick it up.
A community issue that alot of the people I asked brought up was pollution.To much fertilizer in the fields.
I think that littering is a problem because there is way too much on the side of the street and on yards.
We might be able to fix this by everyone going to pick the litter up and we might be able to live in a clean environment.
my mom said that people saleing drugs and my sister said people are steeling from the store
It is trash and we live in the flood area because people just throw trash everywhere.Also when it rain very hard and long the marinas get flooded.
A problem in my town is that there is people letting their pets go to the bathroom in other peoples yards(I live in preston). I think people should make their pets go in their own yard.
An environmental issue in my community is to much trash in our yards. The trash also gets in the trees and ditches. The trash can hurt the plants and animals in our environment.
A environmental issue in my community is that people our littering without even caring. W e should make people throw away their trash in trash cans! The liter can run off into rivers and streams that lead up to the Chesapeake Bay.
Another environmental issue is that farmers use a lot of fertilizer for their crops. When it rains it runs off into the Chesapeake Bay.
In my neighborhood, there is a lot of trash on the ground. This can be avoided if people would pick up the trash when they see it.
a problem is like wasting water and too much trash on the streets and they go like lights they don't use but they also don't off it.
if the problem got fixed we got clean and nice environment.
My community problem is littering.Because down my road peole throw trash out the window and my dogs eat it. I don't want my dogs to get sick so stop littering.
My mom said that a community issue is that the roads are really bad! they have a lot of pot holes,and they need to be repaired.
Also my brother says that another community issue is that alot of people get into trouble and fights.
A problem is that people throw to much trash on the ground, that is why we have trash cans.so we need to stop throwing trash on the ground. a solution is if we put trash cans on every street
A problem in my community would be litter. When people drive down, they throw out trash out of their cars, including our neighbors. This issue could be solved by picking up the trash & agreeing not to throw any anymore. (:
One problem in the town of Preston is not enough stores to buy food, I mean yeah sure you can get milk and eggs and stuff like that. What if you need stuff to make a cake or something like that but if Preston does not have it you have to go to Feduralsburg or Denton.
I got a few different answers.One was that there was a lot of litter on the roads and on the sides of the roads.Another was that when it rains, the fertilizer runs into the lakes and ponds, not to mention the Chesapeake bay!And one of the last answers I got was trespassing.Kids are riding fourwheelers and bikes on other people's property,mostly teenagers though.Fishing and hunting on other people's property was another trespassing issue in my communinity.I think they are all problems that could be fixed easily:be responsible for your own actions and follow the law!
I think that a problem is trash in the river because people are careless and they throw cans, and plastic bottles.
I think the is to much trash on the ground and that will cause a decrease in the animals that live their.
I think that a problem is that people keep on littering and throwing their trash on the ground and all of it somehow ends up in the bay and when it gets deep enough into the bay an animal is going to spot the plastic bottle and eventually is going to eat it because they dont nkow that it isnt really food that is there first tohought but once they eat it the are going to die and that is how we can make our animal population drop very quickly.
My Dad says that there is a chemacial polution in the air. I think we can solve this by stoping the kitterings around the earth. If we stop this we can stop chemical polution.
We live by the walking trail where drunk people go,people litter,hurt others and don't put leashes on the animals so dogs walk on your lawn. There is no one who watches over the trail .We have an abandoned house across the street that hasn't been taken care of so the grass gets tall and wild animals from the trail will start living there.It's sad because the house is so pretty inside and out.
In my comunity somepeople said that a problem was that there was to much trash and litter on the grounds that were being thrown out of cars by drivers.(LITTERING)A way to solve this problem is to possablyhave an annual trash pickup day once a month.
Another person said that there were so many children playing around in the streets and on the sides of the roads, so some people think that we should get more sidewalks so it would be safer. A way we could solve that is by talking to the comunity and raising money for it.
Something else someone said was a problem is there is to much "Apathy" to many people who don't about the community and don't care if it gets polluted or littered on or anything. A way to fix that is to talk to those people and try to pursuade them or just ask them not to be a part of the disrespectful people and that its ok to not like the community but to at least show respect and not litter and all that bad stuff.
Someone else said another problem was that there are to many speeders and a way to fix it could be to decide a resonable speed limit and post signs. We could also put up some camras to help find the speeders and to tell them and inform them the terrible things that could happen.
Those are a few things people in my community says are issues. And there are a few ways to fix them to help make my community a safer community.
I chose cars going to fast down my development and kids play in the roads.
Nichole R
My problem is on my backroad their is a 4 way cross way and you take 5 min. to get accross it,what i am trying to say is to much trafic on a backroad.[we need a trafic light]
There seem to be multiple issues in my community.My Dad says that the conditions of the roads in town.My mother says that the noise in town is also a problem,people turn up their car radio's too high,especially at night.That,sometimes,the neighbors make loud noises and cause problems that aren't necessary.They sometimes need the police to come and calm things down.My brother also agrees on the bad road conditions,and also says that the water pipes need repair,too.That the town didn't do much work to actually help the community,that they only did one (or two?) roads then stopped fixing the problems.As for the water pipes,the town had built a new water tower in the past two-three years and fixed only two pipes that lead to that tower,but not any other pipes.
The main problem in our community must be the roads,from what information/the opinions that I've collected.A solution to the road problems is that the town could repave the streets and make sidewalks so that people aren't walking in the road.The noise problem is a difficult one to find a solution to,though,I've found one:The townspeople could be more aware of the noise and report it more often so that it doesn't bother them,also,the ones causing the noise can easily turn down their radios,or boomboxes or stereos.The ones causing the noise problem don't need to have the volume so high and can do just said.For the pipes,the ones in charge of fixing the town/roads/pipes/etc. can do what they did to the roads that already have fixed pipes.
What I think is an issue in our community is the cracked sidewalks.There are sidewalks by the elementary school that need to be dug up and repaved.Small children walk home from school on those side walks,and can trip and fall and hurt themselves badly.The ones in charge of fixing the town can dig up and repave said sidewalks.
My grandparents are concerned about pollution Choptank River because their water supply/septic tank is right next to the river.
They are all ways concerned for the well being of nature.
A cummunity problem is that people keep throughing trash and debris on the ground. A solution is that we can recycle or pick up our trash/debris that is on the ground.
were using all of are natural rescources in a bad way. one would be that were using to much fossil feuls and if that happens that is also causing pollution. finally if people litter and pollute on land that causes animals in the area to die out and even sometimes to be extinct
One environmental issue in my community is that we do not recycle. If we keep throwing cans, glass, and paper away, it all ends up in the landfill, when it could be reused over and over. My mom said in her neighborhood they had bins to collect the materials and at the end of each week, the town would come to collect the bins contents. If Caroline County had a simple program like this, more people would be willing to participate. We would be making a big difference to the community, and it almost takes no effort!
People care throwing away trash on the roads and the fields. People like to use the Bay for fishing and crabbing, but the Bay is a resource that is in danger from pollution and overfishing. Gas is a resource with a high price now. People do not like paying a lot of money for gas. We can make a better environment if we keep it clean from trash, take care of resources like the Bay, and find new types of fuel. My mom said that.
A problem in my community is that people are throwing trash everywhere like in the water and on the ground. A great solution can be people can start picking up trash on the ground that they see. Also that when you see people that you know through trash somewhere you can tell them that is wrong and don't do that.
From what i have heard from neighbors and people in the town of Preston is that there is WAY to much litter. From feilds to the sides of the roads, it is everywhere. Sadly, this will harm the animals in our enviorment. Speaking of enviorment, it will harm that, too. There also is alot of runoff onto our roads, and other places. When it rains, it travels off of feilds into rivers, streams, ect. This may not be good for the streams and rivers in some cases. It might harm animals that drink that water.
A problem is too much achol too much too much trash and some of that trash can be recycled
An issue in my community is litter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!people are careless and throw it anywhere.A way to solve this is to be less careless and throw it in the garbage.
My parents and I think pollution is a problem. Everywhere we go, we see trash on the ground. My mom thinks our town should purchase a street cleaner, to clean up some of the trash.
Kayla Thomas
A big problem in my community is litter. If people could just keep the trash in their cars instead of throwing it out the window, the community would be cleaner. We could also put a dumpster on the corner, and then people could throw their trash there instead of on the street.
A problem in are community is trash. When people drive by they throw their trash out the window. I have to pick up the trash that lands in my yard.
A problem in my area is smelly fields. we could make it better by making the farmers spray the fields so the fields dont smell so bad anymore.
A problem in our community is there is not enough police on the force.The chief should hire more people so they could stop all the bad stuff from happening. They spent to much money on the k-9 patrol unit.
People in Preston speed a lot and people are careless in Preston because they litter a lot.A solution is they should make a policy of no littering and they should make a strict speed limit.
An issue my community has is the litter i was walking to the chambers park and the streets were full of corn and green bean cans. my community needs some serious help
One problem in my community is people littering.people when they ride by they just throw their trash on other peoples yard.One way we can stop people from littering is to put some recycling bins near the houses so we can stop littering and recycling things.
One problem is there is lots of trash witch causes pollution.
well there is a problem in our world and that is bad. you see a lot of animals are dying because of pollution because a lot of people are careless and decide to leave there trash on the ground. that is why the animals are dying. so we can all clean up our community and save the world. also pollution affects us and we can die from it and then the population of humans will be gone.
we all could get biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig trash bags and clean up our community and then we can save the animals and humans. if we dont then thats going to be very very very very very bad. SO CLEAN UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It all the cars running backing forth all day it is polluting the air. So I think that if people stopped driving so much that the air pollution would go down.
The major problem in my community is trash. There is trash everywhere because people just throw their trash everywhere. We could get people in my community to help pick up the trash. Also we could go around the neighborhood and ask people to throw their trash in the trash can.
The problem I have in my community is trash. There is so much trash everywhere. I think that if we pick the trash up and tell others to do the same we will have a much better community
The issue in my community is that the people around me and people that live in the environment don't keep it clean. So, everyday I always have to go out in my yard and pick up all the trash that's there. I thought that I should get with my neighbors and let them know that we all are a part of the environment so we all need to keep it clean and healthy.
An issue in my community is littering. People throw their trash on the ground and the wind moves it into the pond.
To solve this problem people can recycle more and throw it away instead of throw it down on the ground and making a problem.
my people in my community care about the stench in my backyard is the stench that leads to the closes pond in the woods in my backyard and when we flush there's a pipe that just leads to the pond and it stinks back there really bad.
One of the issues in me environment is that people are burning things harmful thing and it is letting harmful things into the air and when it does whatever goes up must come down and we breath it.Then it makes us sick and that is not good for us.Also people are when farmers grow lots and lots of plants and it dosen't rain the plants will die and that is just waisting all that money that we could be using for something else.
In my community, littering is a HUGE problem. When people go hunting in our woods, they tend to leave a lot of trash, which is harmful for the environment.GOODBYE!! :)
A problem is people wasting thing and not recycling things like paper wood things like that that we can recycle.
A problem is people wasting thing and not recycling things like paper wood things like that that we can recycle.
A problem is that people are littering in our environment and making animals die and are environment look back.
An issue in our community is trash because people throw trash on the ground.When it rains the trash will go into our water and that hurts our community.
There are no environmental problems in my community. Our community has crime(theft).
There is too big of a population too much pollution reaching the oceans and an in between amount of resource use these things need to be fixed before things get any worse.
One of the problems his trash like throwing trash out the window or just throwing it on the ground.The way to to stop this problem is to clean up the trash or we could recycle the trash. So please don't throw trash were ever you want and you should recycle it.
In my community there is a lot of littering. The solution is I go around and pick up what can be recycled.
In my community my neighbors say a problem in our area is littering and they say that we can help t his by recycling because it is alot of trash on the ground and more. There are candy rappers, sodas... etc. Many neighbors said that that was a problem that needed to stop.
Neighbors said that littering ways a problem because there are candy wrappers soda's and alot more on the ground.
Neighbors have said we can fix this by recycling and doing whats needed to clean up the earth and our environment.
The problem i have in my community is that 2 years ago there was no skate park and people road around on there skate boards in the side walks. One morning i was skating around in the side walk and a officer pulled over and said next time i ride around i will get a ticket. That is a problem to me and other skater.
A problem is to much minure on the fields for fertilizer. we should use less minure and quit polluting the water.it is making to much algea.
A problem in the comunity is there to many stores and thugs. I think they should stop making more buildings and tare some buldings down and add grass and arrest all the thugs in my community
I think the problem in are community is that people driveing without license. Because they breaking the law like littering that hurting are environment.
My community says that we have a lot of littering as an issue.People always throw trash on our yard.We make days where we pick up the trash and throw away the trash and recycle recyclables.We do it every Saturday when the dump is open.
The problem is that people throw trash in the ground instead of putting it in the trash can. We should tell people not to throw trash on the ground. We could make sure there were trash cans around to throw the trash into instead of putting it on the ground.
A issue in my community is trash on the side of the road.To make my Community a better place is to pick up the trash.
The people around my neighborhood said that littering is the problem
The solution could be that everybody recycle and then it will save the environment
A problem in our community is littering because there is a lot of trash and the animals are eating it. We could pick it up and the animals would not eat it anymore and get sick.
There is to much violence.So many people are killing and being killed.This is a problem because there are people dying all around you,even in schools.I think the solution to this problem is safer for environments and more guidance and therapy in schools.
The population around us is so fast paced that they don't slow down when they are driving.They would rather get to where they need to be quickly then to slow down,drive safe,and protect the lives of many others on the road with them.The solution to this could be more traffic officers,and more police officers on traffic patrol.
My cousin thinks that there is to much traffic and lack of community centers. My uncle said that people throw to much trash where he lives and don't pick it up.I think that people waste to much water and electricity. They should build overpasses.
People should pay big fines for littering. Use less water and turn off electric.
i think one big problem is plastic grocery bags . why? because 1000's of bags end up in the ocean and are mistaken as jellyfish and those are sea turtels favorite snacks, we can help by buying reuasble bag that can be used over and over
a problem is that the animals are coming to the farms and stealing the crops.
I care that every time I go hunting we run over trash. If someone came and help us pick up trash then that wouldn't happen and people should stop throwing trash out there.
A problem in my community is trash. My sister wanted to go swimming, in the pond in the woods. But, there was to much trash in the pond.
A problem in my neighborhood is that the neighborhood kids litter bad so what my mom does is she asks us neighborhood kids to help clean it every month.
A community issue is that the prices are getting higher and there's not a lot of jobs available. The solution to that is to lower prices and to do some development to get more jobs and that's what me and my neighbors believe.
We all in my family went around and asked people about hunting.The owner of the land told the hunters to stop so they did.
recycle because if we dont recycle the trash that's being throne away is in the lakes in the rivers and the ocean that's why we should recycle
Its alot of trash in my commutity.How i can solve it is i can throw it away in he trash or recycle it also I can tell them to stop throwing down trash because it is effecting the ocean the animals in the ocean.
littering is a problem in my community because when people are done drinking there drinks they throw it out the window instead of the trash. And the people in my community has to clean it up and they get tired of people not cleaning up their selves for the mess they did.
people in my community said population because if we have know animals then we will have no nature ad alot of things will die includinf us.
my community is worrey'd about polution my neighbor is a land- scaper. he said his last yard had like 9 or 10 peices trash there my point is we need to recycle more not throw on the ground.
One problem is that some people don't care if they throw litter in the streams. This could one day cause the animals in the Bay and the ocean to have a bad habitat.
my parents said that we should help clean up the litter. "The litter will go into the bay and out to the ocean Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and that is a turtles favorite food and they will choke and die if they eat the bags" my mom said.
A promblem is that dogs are digging holes in peoples yards and popping everywhere.A solution is to keep the dogs in homes or put a electric fence around.
A problem is pollution. If there is to much the crops and other plants and animals could die and we would have no food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The people in my street think there is to much trash with people throwing out trash. Also people smoking and throwing it on the ground.
Think that the need to stop using rubber because it kill our fish and it will not decompose in water.
I thinks that we need to recycle more we could be saving
trees I say it should be manutorie recycling.Another thing is that we should have more organic
farms local to the area or people could stop littering P.S we could have a heather planet:}
By:Kodey Biscoe
my family thinks that lettering is the problem because you are making the community bad thats why you should pick up the trash to help everyone by picking up the trash.
The towns people say that there is so much liter. They think it will get so bad that even now you cannot turn a few corners from your house to anywhere without seeing a mc'donalds cup and it probably wasn't even your fault. We can solve this problem by awaring people about how badly this can affect every one and thing. All you have to do is tell the people about this because that tasty soda you just threw out the window brobably will end up killing fish and other organisms on its way there.
When i was talking to my grandparents and dad about what they thought that was the biggest environmental issue my grandmother said to much run off into the bay. My grandpa said to many squirls around where they live. My dad said to many deer. Lastly i said the same thing my grandmother said to much runoff into the bay.
There is too many problems with too much gasoline use. People are wasting it.There is also too much trash laying around on the sides of the roads.
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Taylor, D : I believe that one of our main issues in the community is the pollution of our local water areas rivers and bays as it has been littered and abused and created pollution which has caused our waters to have less natural environments for the animals as well as human use where the rivers used to be clean enough for living animals to population to be high and were able to swim in the water area which is no longer avail , as well as the decrease in the population of fish and wildlife int he local areas , a solution could be that younger students as well as older have local field trips to their local wild life reservations to learn of ways to learn to help and be involved with projects created by their peers to help with the local wild life areas .
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