Ok, what happened to the summer? I can't believe how quickly time went by!
Even though it seemed short, I had a lot of fun and did a lot of stuff. This summer I had a dream come true when I got to go with my family on a trip to Italy, Croatia, and Greece. We had a great time, especially when I got to climb to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. While there I got to see the Parthenon along with many of the world's greatest, ancient treasures. I will remember it forever.
Did you go on a special trip this summer? Tell us about it!
i didn't do anything that fun this summer. i just stayed home bored.
i didn`t do anything this summer.
I didnt do much this summer
i just helped my aunt move in. :3
i went on vacation
I went to Turks and Caicos Islands
i really didnt do very much just went in the pool at home and went to six flags, got on a lot of rides which was a little fun nothing exciting.
i whent to six flags and whached tv.
hi mr honer this is elijah cephas is am at fes and i am at the pta and i did alot over the summer
i went all the way to indiana,:)
i shot myself with my bb gun,:(
played on the computer,:)
i went to camp for church and shot myself again(oops!):( :)
ate corn:(
ate a hotdog:)
cleaned my room:(
p.s hi every one!!!
*-Went Fishing
*-Rode My 4-Wheeler
*-Went 2 Work With My StepDad
*-Went 2 Virginia
*-Went Camping
*-Read 100 Books
*-Saw Avatar @ The Regal Theater In Salsibury
*-Played On The Computer
*-Got A New Bird (Parkeet)
*-Saw My Old Freinds
*-Shot A 20-Gauge Shot Gun
*-Watched TV.
*-Played Video Games
*-Bought A trapoline
*-Raced Go-Carts
i moved for GA i like it here in Maryland
i moved for GA i like it here in Maryland
I went to six flags America this summer
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