Well, here it is, the biggest storm I've seen in a long time. Right now we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 24" of the white stuff. I'm glad that I am settled in with my family, a few good books, and a bunch of good movies to watch. I've been outside a few times to clear snow and check things out but most of my time has been spent just looking out the window. I'll start the real shoveling tomorrow, after it stops snowing!
Let me know how you are doing with the snow. I look forward to seeing how everybody is doing!
hay mr.honer all the snow around is driving me crazy! i think it might be more than 24 inches where we are though because the snow at my house is up past my knees! today when i went out it wasnt snowing like yesterday. Im glad that those bombs werent falling down on my head again though!
In a few places it was up past MY knees! I hope to get out of my driveway sometime today. I haven't heard whether we are going to have school or not tomorrow but my wife's school is already closed for the next two days!
Hey guys, OMG there are some drifts at my house up to my chest it's so scary! To make it worse I'm almost out of books! It's freezing and the lowest point is up to my knees! I wanna go to the library hopefully it's open! I just had a HERSHEY'S king size bar so it's not that bad, bye for now!
Hey, I have been playing outside since it all started friday night! Me and my cuzin LOVE the snow, in my back feild the snow is a little over my waist. I go out in it every night when it gets dark, and am in it at least 9 hours a day. Im not big on books but I get on the computer, play the wii, and bake!! I doubt we will have school all week so T.T.Y.N.W. (talk to you next week!)
Hey guys, i am getting tired of all this snow! It is crazy. When my electric was out I was having a computer shortage lol:) It was soooooooooooooooo boring! My electric was out for like almost 23 hours brrrrrrr. Atleast it is on now but being stuck in my house is really boring.
We have a lot of snow.I have been taking lots of pictures of my house and my grandparents house.On Saturday at 4:00pm until 1:00pm the next day we had no electric.Today we went to check on my gandparents house to get in town at Preston we went 4 wheeling in the field.Most spots in my yard are past my knees but most I can just stand on.
I AM SICK OF THE SNOW!!!!! I just want it to hurry up and melt. Me and my peeps went to the mall the other day and all of the spring stuff was out. For example in american eagle I just wanted to buy the whole store.
Hey Mr. Honer its Anna from 7th grade me, my mom, my dad, my brother had to go out and shovel snow all the time it was really bad. Me, Shelby.S, my brother made a snowman who had a Jay Leno chin, an afro, and a huntched back he was cool we named him BIG BOB! But he is all melted now :(. See ya sometime and good luck finding Mr. Chompy!
Hay Mr.H i just now read Anna's comment and it turns out that i actually made a little ice snowman cuz the snow wasnt packable and i named him little bob. what a cawinkidink. any way she said something about finding "Mr.Chompy" and i was wondering who that was, its ok if u dont answer on here ill just ask u at school. bye!
i love all that snow! the best thing is me and kristen f going outside at night and diving into the snow like divers in a wave(transverse:D ). all the white stuff is sorta driving me crazy, because i know that if we don't have an adequate amount of days in school (180) we have to have school in the summer.
I WANT MORE SNOW!!!!!!1 so I can jump off like a building 20 feet high and not get hurt plus over the snow storm i got a $50 job!!!! My job was to go up on a roof and shovel off the snow
What is up Mr. Honer? it is me Eddie L. HOW OLD IS THE SNOW POST IT IS JUNE! Well I guess some people have hopes for Christmas in July or in this case June
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