Check out the following story.
There once was a scientist who studied frogs. One day, the scientist put the frog on the ground and told it to jump. The frog jumped four feet. So the scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with four feet, jumps four feet."
So the scientist taped up one of the frog’s legs. The scientist told the frog to jump. The frog jumped three feet. The scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with three feet, jumps three feet."
So the scientist taped up another leg. He told the frog to jump. The frog jumped two feet. So the scientist wrote in his notebook "Frog with two feet, jumps two feet."
The scientist taped up one more leg. He told the frog to jump. The frog jumped one foot. So the scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with one foot, jumps one foot."
So the scientist taped up his last leg. He said, "Frog jump. Frog jump. FROG JUMP!" So the scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with no feet, loses hearing."
Do you agree with the scientist? Do you have a different conclusion? Tell me what you think about thhe scientist's thinking.
I dont really understand the last sentence but i do agree
well i think that the scientists idea could be correct because frogs could jump that high
I agree but my conclusion is diffrent. i think with all of his legs taped up he couldn't jump at all.not that he couldn't hear.
The Frog with no feet doesn't lose his hearing he can't jump at all. The data says
Frog feet jumped
4 feet 4 ft
3 feet 3 ft
2 feet 2 ft
1 foot 1 ft
0 feet
So the frog cannot jump any feet at all when he has no feet based on the data.
By the way it was a good story
i think that if all of the frogs legs are taped he cant jump at all so he didnt loss his hearing
I don't agree with the scientist. My conclusion is that a frog has to have at least one leg to jump.It doesn't have anything to do with the frogs hearing except when the scientist says"jump".
I dont think agree with the scientist because my conclusion is the frog needs atleast one leg to jump.And it dont have anything to do with hearing
i don't think the last seantes is relly true. a well trained frog might jump when the owner tells it to.we sounld try that
No because the frog can't jump without feet. So the frog didn't lose its hearing it just couldn't jump.
i do agree with scientest beacuse frogs can jump high no matter how many legs they have.But i dont think they lose hearing with no legs they just cant hop.
when the scientist taped up all of the frogs legs, the frog couldn't jump but it can still hear.
frog with 4 feet jumped 4 ft
frog with 3 feet jumped 3 ft
frog with 2 feet jumped 2 ft
frog with 1 foot jumped 1 ft
frog with 0 feet jumped 0ft
no a frog with no feet can't jump at all.
I really liked the story but i have a different conclusion i would say that when he put taped on the last leg he heard him just didn't have a leg to jump with.
I really liked the story! The frog can't jump because he has no legs to junp with.
"Frog with no feet, loses hearing."
I do not understand.No it could be a super strong frog or a weak frog!
the forg jumped 4feet then the frog jumped 3feet thenthe frog jumped 2 feet then the frog jumped 0feet but then he tap the frog feet so the frog stad when he jumped thatS WAW THE FROG GOT LIKE 4 FEET.
the frog could not jump because it had no fours to jump so its not that it cant hear it just cant jump.
the frog had no legs so when it went to jump it couldnt because it had nothing to jump with so i can still hear just not jump
the frog would have no legs to jump with if his legs were taped
The frog did not lose hearing,he just couldn't jump!
the sciencetist had good cunclusions and the story was good
i don't agree with him the frog had no legs to jump with.
No because when he taped the next leg he was not deaf just could not jump
I think scientist are incorrect because I have never seen a frog jump that high.
i think it is idea is correct because frogs can jump that high
the frog cant jump with out feet so it didnt lose its hearing but it just would not be able to jump high if it does not have any feet to jump with
i agree becuase frogs can jump that high!!!!!!!!!!
that was very intreasting that if it hade three legs itjumped thre foot
I think that the frog can jump that high.I dont agree on the frog ot hearing.
I think the frog could jump that high but it only uses two feet.
I thought the frog was geting a bit tired of jumping. also,his legs were
geting tied up. A frog could not
jump with no legs or feet.
I agree but i have a diffrent conclusion.i think the frog couldnt
jump because all of his legs were taped up not because he couldnt hear.
if the frog doesn't have hearing it cant mess his jumping up
i think that the frog was jumping one foot smarler every time because he kept taking off one of his feet
I don't agree with the scientist because frogs with all feet taped down wouldn't make it with the ability to hear. My coclusion is if the frog jumped with tape on it's legs the tape would come off.
It wasn't that the frog couldn't hear
it just couldn't jump with it's all of it's legs tied up
the scientist is wrong. the frog could not use his legs.So it could not jump.
the frog could not jump because his legs where taped togther he still knew how to hear.
The frog could hear he just could not jump because he had no legs to jump with.
mr honer i cant wait for the north bay feild trip
" Haaaaaaaaaa Mr.Honner I'am happy about the feild trap , frogs can jump ha my last name is jump
hey mr horner about the frog scence thing one time i saw a frog out side of my house and it jumped about 50 feet away
I think the scientists is wrong because i've saw a frog jump that hight before but is a posility that a frog could jump high.
i think that the scientist was wrong beacause i saw a frog thankfully with all four legs and jump alot shorter than four feet.So if i sall a frog jump four feet i would would be amazed and scared it will jump on me
hey mr honner waz up this is garrett .i cant wait till we experement with the frogs.I think its good that there are scientest out there that are thinking. But on the other hand frogs dont jump that high if u tell them to cause they dont lisen to people.But it might be true.
i agree with the scientest. that was a good story mr.honer.
i don't agree with the scientist because the frog didn't jump because it couldn't hear it didn't jump because it didn't have any legs to jump with
mr.honer i read the story again and i realized i dont agree because if a frogs have there legs tied they dont lose there hearing they just cant jump but it was still agood story.
hey mr.honer i read the story again and it is even better the 2 time and it is kinda weird that the frog jumped 4 feet with 4 legs and 3 feet with 3 legs and on and on untl he has no legs which means he can not jump any feet so when he goes to jump he can not jump at all.The frog expeirament is a good experiment because it is fun and there is a good story built in to one.
i saw a frog once and it had all fors but it could not jump four feet it could only do about 1 so i think that is kind of weird.
If a frog can not use any feet it can not jump plus he never experimented with the frogs ear making it unreasonable to say it can not hear just because it can not jump.At all!
I dont agree with it becauce afrog with its legs taped up can not jump
the first concluesions made since but when he taped up his legs and said he can't hear because he did not jump is a bad concluesion.the only reason he did not is because you taped up all his legs.
yes do agree with the scientist because he is finding imformation to see if a frog a frog with could jump four feet ,also all other frogs jump a different amount.
i don,t know what it is really asking
but yes i agree
i agree wwith the scientist because the frog colud of jumped that hi and remember me from last year byeeeeee
i agree because he kept on puting his leg up.
I do not agree because with the
Scienintist taped up all the legs
wich it cant jump
the story was good and once you do something to the frog it cant jump
maybe he should try mutiple times maybe the frog did not lose his hearing may he cant jump without no legs
I do not agree with the scientist because the frog did not jump because he lost his hearing he did not jump because all the legs were taped out.
i do not agree because the frog can not jump without legs so the frog dosen't really lose hearing
I don't agree with the scientist because the frog could hear but did'nt have legs to jump with.
P.S. This is still fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont agree because the scientist only did the experiment once.
ps i like the froggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha i think that too.the sciencest is very funny and smart.
i think the scientist is incorrect because i don't think when you tape a frogs leg it will effect the hight of the frogs jump.
P.S. HOLA,SINOR HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hola amigo!!!! the story was great in know already published a comment but its awesome
Hasta lavista
I would say no because how far the frog jumps,it has nothing to do with it can hear or not.
yes i agreed with sciencetist because frogs can jump high.
I don't think he was right because frogs jump as hight they can .
I think the scientists was right but i don't really think a frog can jump when people tell them to.
I don't agree with the scientist because the frog can't jump with it's legs taped.
I dont think the scientiist conclusion is corret because a frog with no legs can hear and it has nothing to do with his observations.
I agree dut when you tape all 4 legs it won't be able to jump but that does not mean it can't hear.
i agree but i have another conclusion that the frog could
hear but couldn't jump with all his legs taped up.
i agree but when the frogs 4 legs are taped that dosent mean it cant hear it means that it cant jump
No because a frog jumps on all feet not just one leg it hops on more legs than one.
No because frog with no legs is not death itis leg less and can not jump
No because I do not think frogs can hop on 1 leg
No i dont because a frog with no feet
can not jump. I also do not agree
because even if it had all of it"s legs it would be able to jump but not four feet.It would be able to jump at
lest one foot.
i disagree with the scientist because a frog needs a leg to jump the rest was a good idea execpt the last try
i agree the scientest taped all of the frogs legs so they went to hearing
i think the frog could hear he just couldn't jump because the frog had all of his legs taped.
yes i agree cause frogs really can jump that high
I don't understand the last sentence but i agree.
I agree.Frogs can still hear if all four legs are taped together.
I agree.Frogs can still hear if all four legs are taped together.
i agree with the the conclustion because a frog with no feet can not jump.
for example if a human got down on hands and feet it could jump that far. but if you tie up all the legs and arms it would not be able to jump at all like the frog.
NO Because it does not make sense
it sounded like something somebody
made the whole thing up
i kind of don't get the question
i think that a frog can't jump that high because he kept hitting his leg.
I agree with the sciencetist
hey mr.honer thiz b you girl charnaye i think that it would b better to tape the forg legs to a table or sumthing and then start talking to it and see how it reacts to wat u are say in.
p.s. i $0 !0v3 sci3nc3 c!@$$
I agree because the scientist idea is correct
No,because frogs don't have ears.
I do not agee with the scientist because the frog could probably still hear but it didn't jump because it had no feet.When the frog had four feet it jumped four feet.How eve many feet the frog had that is how many feet it jumped.
no i dont agree with him
4 feet 4ft
3 feet 3ft
2 feet 2ft
1 feet 1ft
0 feet 0ft
can't jump
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