Monday, October 13, 2008

Community Issue

What is an issue that people in your community care about? What is a possible solution to the problem? Post your answer this week!


Anonymous said...

jobs.people are losing their jobs because prices are too high people aren't buying things.this means places have to close down=jobless people

Anonymous said...

transpertation.people are losing trasnpertation because gas prices are going up and they don't have the money to pay for the gas they need in their cars.

Anonymous said...

We mostly have to worry about Peolple losing their jobs because prices are too high so no one is buying anything . Since people have no jobs means less money. So they cant go drive around alot more cause you have to pay for gass.

Anonymous said...

gas because people do not have money and they do not pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

At my house if you go all the down my road it's a dead end. People go all the way down then come back up and throw their bottles in my yard. They will throw empty poison bottles in my yard. So they litter in my yard. We found a shoe in my yard once.

Anonymous said...

i think gas prices because jobs are giving out less money and gas prices are getting higher. My soultion is for car companys to make more cars that don't take alot of gas. I think this is a problom because one day my mom had to pay $40.00 for gas and it surprised me.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices,because people could run out of money and not have enough money to buy food. Therefore as a solution is people with jobs close to home could either walk or ride their bikes.

Anonymous said...

Litter because people just put their trash down then animals eat it and choke

Anonymous said...

people are having problme with paying ther bill's because they don't get payed much.

Anonymous said...

job people are losing tere jobs when they need jobs to pay bills and feed there family.

Anonymous said...

In my community my day care profider is losing kids because there parents can't pay for it wich means less kids less money for her and it affects everything eles.

Anonymous said...

one of a issue is littering in my neighbor hood. We can stop leaving trash all over the ground.

Anonymous said...

you can not park on the left side of the street so makes people have less

Anonymous said...

my community has a problem with drugs

Anonymous said...

My community has a problem with loitering

Anonymous said...

People quit jobs because of gas prices going up. The price shoudn't go up

Anonymous said...

global warming.if we do not stop global warming then the whole world would warming is a real problem and there is a way to try to stop it.we can turn off lights when we are done with them and save which would help just alittle if one person does it so think about if we all did.

Anonymous said...

littering is a big issue in my community.

Anonymous said...

The issue is that is the global warming i can not wait in tell north bay.

Anonymous said...

Pollution. People are are throwing trash every place they can find.

Anonymous said...

littering is a bad problem around my house.

Anonymous said...

I think gas because many people don't have enough money to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Polution in the lakes,rivers,and oceans.We can fix it by recicleing.

Anonymous said...

jobs.people are losing their job because of gas prices going high and they do not have enough money to pay for gas.

Anonymous said...

poulution because it poisens people and cars are causing alot of it so thats why people are starting to take there bikes and walk to there jobs or where they are going.

Anonymous said...

an issue is that global warming is messing up animals habitates and some are dieing.a way to stop it or try to fix it is to stop poluting and

Anonymous said...

A problem is that over population if foxs were gone then the rabbit population will over populate.

Anonymous said...

Pollution because trash and food get into the bay and the fish and animals eat the trash and get sick. Also we would have less food to eat if the animals keep dieing.

Anonymous said...

Pollution because trash and food get into the bay and the fish and animals eat the trash and get sick. Also we would have less food to eat if the animals keep dieing.

Anonymous said...

litering because it can kill animals

Anonymous said...

pollution!pollution includes water and with dirty water no animal means no me no humans no us!Littering can cause pollution!All Mom dad and 2 brother have been complaining no litter or polluting!I wish there was a way to stop this nonsense!if we could the wourld would be better!

A lot Better

Anonymous said...

people are worried about pollution such as dirty water and the trash in the water. If the water is dirty and there is trash in it the that live in it will die

Anonymous said...

Jobs because people are losing them , because money is tight so there is no money to pay them.Plus the gas prices are high to be traveling back and forth.

Anonymous said...

people are losing their jobs because sometimes they cant make it because gas prices are to high to be traveling back and forth to jobs and other places that they need to go.

Anonymous said...

I think pollution is the problem because people keep littering.This will be a problem because fish are dying and it is ruining are food chain.I think people should stop littering and help clean up ponds.

Anonymous said...

I think peaple need to get paid more for their jobs.I think that because peaple need money to pay the bill.IF they don't pay the bills they will lose their house and everything THEY have.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People are losing there jobs because they might not have enough money to work.

Anonymous said...

we mostly have to worry about people losing their jobs because prices are to high so no one is buying anything.since people have no jobs means less money .so they cant go drive around alot more cause you have to buy gas.

Anonymous said...

In my community a big issue is the trash people should picking it up instead of throwing it on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Where i live there is a littering problem every time when i walk i see a piece of trash.So now everyday when i get home me and my mom pick up some of the trash.

Anonymous said...

the people around my area care about trash all over the place from people littereing all the time.

Anonymous said...

they care about the high gas prises,it needs to drop down.people are loseing jobs because they cant drive to work because they can not by the gas.

Anonymous said...

the population of deer, too many deer
are getting hit by cars when crossing he road.

Anonymous said...

Pollution is an important issue in our community. At my house we have to pick up the trash everyday out in country because there is so much of it and it gets to a point where there can't be much more trash without something bad happening to our environment surroudding us.

Anonymous said...

Tomany deer and that causes alot of car acidents

Anonymous said...

jobs.people are losing their jobs because they have to buy gas and prices are getting very high so people have to do less driving

Anonymous said...

framing becuase of animals or organisms eating there food framers and ranchers are quiting framing.....
And people have no food cuase other anmimals are growing and having new birth were other animals are killing and people can't hunt becuase of other organisms.......

Anonymous said...

transpertation.people are losing traspertatin because of the high gas price that are going up high

Anonymous said...

to many deer and thet causes to many car acidents. so we should limit ssown the deer population.

Anonymous said...

Pollution is an important problem.
When people polute the ground it could kill animals so we should not throw trash on the ground.

Anonymous said...

littering is one problem a solluion for this problem could be video camera's on every street that takes
picture's of people's tag number if
litter and if they do the police could take the picture and find the
people and give the people and give them a fine.

Anonymous said...

people in my neighborhood are not recyling things they should be. To stop that they could have a recycling box and start recycling.That is an issue in my neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

some people care about litaring because it makes their yard look trashy, so they could clean up once in a while to help out.

Anonymous said...

A issue in my community is to much littering in the world and if there is to much littering in the world it
will be a dirty world.If people start recleing and picking up the world will be a clean and nice world.

Anonymous said...

an issue is that global waming is messes up habitates of animals homes. a way we could fix it is to try to not litter and not pollut as much as we can. if alot of people use something eles insted of using oil to power their cars. most animals would get their homes back and their habitates back.

Anonymous said...

Our issue for our town is that its hard to ride to place to place cause of gas.I wish it wasnt that high cause i play alot of sports and my mom wouldnt be able to take me to my practice. So thats our issue.

Anonymous said...

one issue peaple care about is littering because it does nothing but kills the grass,trees,plants,and animals

Anonymous said...

One of the big probems is that all the trash around my house and it is in my yard

Anonymous said...

the problem in my neighborhood is that people speed on the road in front of my day i was standing at the end of my driveway and a car came speeding around the turn going 60 mph and the speed limt is 30 mph

Anonymous said...

The issue in my neighborhood is gas my mom dont hav any mony so she cant go any where . my mom dosent have money for gas me to go to pratice . the other problem is litering people throw trash in theyards

Anonymous said...

an issue in my community is littering. people throw trash all over my yard and on the road.also the trash they throw might end up in the bay and it will pollute the fish and we eat the fish and it could hurt or poisin us.

Anonymous said...

a big issue is pollution because it causes global warming and global warming can fiood towns and destroy citys.

Anonymous said...

trustpassing on my proppery.

Anonymous said...

I live in front of a lake and when it rains I find bottels, fishing supplies, and a bunch of litter!It would STOP if people would dispose their thash proply!!

Anonymous said...

The people in my community care about people driving by and throw their food out of their windows. They also care about germs that are on that trash and when they pick it up they can make them selfs and their family sick. They are also decreasig the number's of animals. A way to solve this to make the fines go up and if that don't help finger print the trash so it will stop. One thing STOP LITTERING AND START RECYLING.

Anonymous said...

litering because alot of people around my house liter in my yard. tostop it I could put a sign up in my yard and it can say "no litering in the yard" on it.

Anonymous said...

A issue is that gas prices are going up and people don't have the mony for gas.They ended up with no car and have to car pool with other people.

Anonymous said...

i think the town isnt recycling as much. i think the town should have recycling bins along with recycling trucks.GO GREEN!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Littering is a problem in my community. People just dont't care about the earth or animals. People should start recycling so the earth can stay clean and animals
can live without dying from eating trash.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices the people could stop that by walking,riding bikes,and carpool.

Anonymous said...

An issue in my community is that people can't stop littering and throwing trash into the water by the boat dock.

Anonymous said...

i think they sould stop littering becase that called globel warmer

Anonymous said...

littering.there is a lot of trash laying on the ground because people don`t care about the enviroment,so they just throw trash on the ground.a solution could be put dumpsters or something all around town.

Anonymous said...

Some thing people care about is there jobs but they wont have any because of gas price and with out gas people wont be able to get to work.

Anonymous said...

it is cars because the gas is higher n tax is coming out of people check n it is making it hard for people to get to where they need to go

Anonymous said...

an issue that people in my community care about is pollution because that breaks food chains and kill animals,people,and other species.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices because many people are loosing there jobs because of that reason. they could solve that by not getting gas and oil from foriegn countries.

Anonymous said...

Littering is a problem because people are throwing trash on the ground.[shooting is a problem people are shooting alot].

Anonymous said...

why are there so little people in my neighborhood?I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I care about the people across the street because they litter my front yard! I say STOP LITTERING!

Anonymous said...

People can't get to work because gas prices are to high in some places.

Anonymous said...

We are having problems with people loosing jobs because people have less money to bye things so jobs need less people.

Anonymous said...

pollution,because people through trash in the bay,the river and we are getting discusting stuff in our water supplies.

Anonymous said...

My community cares about all the trash people throw out of their cars. The community even has nice signs up about if you litter you have to pay a''FINE''.

Anonymous said...

pollution is a environment issues.people could stop polluting.

Anonymous said...

hey mr honer some of the community issue are people are littering on streets and on other peoples yard so people need to clean up the community and make it better

Anonymous said...

gas.people worry about gas because gas prices are getting higher so its best for people to do less driving people have less money because they have to buy gas for their cars and people put like up to 10.00 or 20.00 in their car.i used jobs and gas.

Anonymous said...

Littering,and Gas prices also logging out woods. People litter and it pollutes the air so some people with allergies cant breathe.Logging out woods are destroying animal habitat.Gas prices are going up so people are forced to quit their jobs or buy a small car that gets good miles.Animals are forced to move and jump across the road and get hit

Anonymous said...

I live on the mane rode and their are to many cars going by and pepole could get hit so thier could be another rode to Easton.

Anonymous said...

Littering,and Gas prices also logging out woods. People litter and it pollutes the air so some people with allergies cant breathe.Logging out woods are destroying animal habitat.Gas prices are going up so people are forced to quit their jobs or buy a small car that gets good miles.

Anonymous said...

we depend to much on gas and oil we should use solar power and other power to fuel and use things

Anonymous said...

transportation.people everywhere around the world are losing transportation to get to work take their kid to school and take them and their self to the important places they need to go.

Anonymous said...

There is a straecat that comes to our
house during the day.

Anonymous said...

I am responding to BrandonW question you can try to convince those people to stop or see a counsler.

Anonymous said...

A Commuinty Issue is that we use to much electricity. when we don"t turn off lights we are resuming energy we don"t need.also we are cutting downn animals habbitat for homes we don"t need.

Anonymous said...

GAS!!!!! without gas the people can't
drive there transportation. Even if you can pay for gas your going to be broke because the price would be so high.

Anonymous said...

1 community issue is how much gas pries are and thay keep going up

Anonymous said...

pollution is a huge problem

Anonymous said...

Why is a stray cat an issue Kyle unless the cat does something to the envierment I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

There are to many snakes.The weather is changing to much.The war has getting to bad.People are dieing in a pointless war and people are mad about that. So I have a solution. People need to vote for a new president.

Anonymous said...

balls hiting cars and not riding bikes on sidewalks also not hiting kids with cars

Anonymous said...

An issue in my community is pollution and gas prices. Most of the people are worried that they will lose their houses or not have food for a while because of gas prices. Another thing is the pollution in the air and on the ground, because the gas in the air ruins our ozone and people burn heir trash or leave it their yard.

Anonymous said...

The issue is people are litering because it killes animals.

Anonymous said...

The people in my community think that cutting the grass is an problem because with th e grass blowing into the road it can be an problem for the drivers driving. So the solution was to cut inside so the grass stays in the yard.

Anonymous said...

the people in our community care about is gas because people need to get some places to buy food and supplies to surrvive

Anonymous said...

Truck issues.For example,truck axadents, the goverment should make back roads for certain trucks not car and the certain truks can not go to the cars road.

Anonymous said...

drunk drivers are going around driving over the speed limit by my house and a way to solve it is to get a cop outside my house with a speed trap at night

Anonymous said...

An issue in our community would be when people are driving by our houses late at night fast with the music loud

Anonymous said...

my community issue is that people always littering bottle capes and people getting laydoff because times are getting hard there are less money.

Anonymous said...

gas, because people need gas to get around and go to work thats why some people you see are walking or riding bikes.

Anonymous said...

The people are riding dirt bikes on the roads at night and they should stop

Anonymous said...

Littering is a problem.People are throwing trash on the ground and animals eat and get sick and they could die.

Anonymous said...

Our community is becoming overpopulated. There are too many people.

Anonymous said...

gas prices are sky-rocketing and causing my family to loose money and not be able to pay bills.if you do not pay pay bills how are you going to be able to live the solution to this is for the goverment to come up with aplan to save stock price banks are closing wich means no money for familys.we need help FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

trash being on the ground and on
on the road.we can solve the
problem by not throw trash out
windows while driving on the
road and not throw trash in
people yards and in the grass.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that people are losing money and jobs that means places are losing money and going out of bussiness thats the problem.

Anonymous said...

pollution is a big problem because people can get hurt by it . Cars are causing a lot of it so I think people should start walking or riding a bike to where they need to go.

Anonymous said...

A bad issue in my neighborhood is
littering.Littering is helping global
warming.When some people are trying
to stop global warming.It makes those people who aren't helping global warming jobs a lot harder.Polor bears
are being extinct because of global

Anonymous said...

An issue is that alot of kids play outside on the street.And there are alot of teens getting there licencs. So most of the parents get worried about the teens going very fast down the street so

Anonymous said...

People Littering in the country and thats so bad and that we hate it because i ruin the country so there our country is a miss that we dont want that my issue

Anonymous said...

gas prices in my town are a issue

Anonymous said...

Hi Colonel kids! Here at NorthBay we have problems with litter washing up on our beaches and invasive plants taking over other plants around the property. We're also using a lot of electricity, so we're using new technology to reduce how much we use and to help save money!

Anonymous said...

littering is a big issue in preston and i dont know if people understand what it can do to the enviernment.

Anonymous said...

how would can they be drilled 2 each other

Anonymous said...

littering. Because I see a lot of signs in Maryland the say not to litter or it is a $1,000 fine. So that must be an issue in Maryland.

Anonymous said...

gas. people need it to get around so they can go to work and and get payed to buy food for there family.

Anonymous said...

An issue that people have in my community is transportation because they doesn't have cars.

Anonymous said...

transpertation.people are losing there jobs because of gas prices and wit out jobs peoplecan't pay car insurent's and lose there car.

Anonymous said...

yes and no because we need gas and our country and no because the animals need a habit and they mite run a way with the oil and gas.ever time the gas place get deliver gas the prices go up.

Anonymous said...

Deer population.there are alot deer

Anonymous said...

Gas prices,because the prices keep getting more and more and more expensive.For a solution is ride bikes or walk,run,or jog.

Anonymous said...

a issue in my community is litering.
a solution could be picking it up and
recycling it.